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I’m trying to make a Eloquent query between models but I’m not being able to delivery the value to my controller.

I don’t know what is happening. In the log the value is showing, but the code are not getting it.

My Controller

   $processedMaterialOrders = ProcessedMaterialOrder::get();

        $sessionVariables = Session::all();

        // Log::channel('ecom')->info($processedMaterialOrders);

        $filteredProcessedMaterials = [];
        foreach ($processedMaterialOrders as $key => $processedMaterialOrder) {
            // Log::channel('ecom')->info($processedMaterialOrder);

            $sectorId = $processedMaterialOrder->process->sector->id;

My relationship

 public function process(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(Process::class, 'process_id');


 public function sector(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(Sector::class);

Log is returning:

[2023-11-11 16:49:39] local.INFO: 5  
[2023-11-11 16:49:39] local.INFO: 2  
[2023-11-11 16:49:39] local.INFO: 1  
[2023-11-11 16:49:39] local.INFO: 1  
[2023-11-11 16:49:39] local.INFO: 2  
[2023-11-11 16:49:39] local.INFO: 5  
[2023-11-11 16:49:39] local.INFO: 5  
[2023-11-11 16:49:39] local.INFO: 2  
[2023-11-11 16:49:39] local.INFO: 1  

That ids exists in the sectors table.

Error page


I’ve tried to understand e change all my code but it is not working.

How something can be printed in the log but not in the page?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I've solved. It was database problems. One of the loop itens had no process_id.

  2. Here are three steps you may consider to troubleshoot the issue:

    1. Check Eager Loading:
      Ensure that the relationships are being loaded correctly. You can
      use eager loading to improve performance and ensure that the related
      models are loaded. Modify your query to:
    $processedMaterialOrders = ProcessedMaterialOrder::with('process.sector')->get();

    This will load Process and Sector relationships at the time of querying ProcessedMaterialOrder, reducing the number of queries to the database.

    1. Ensure that the relationships in your models are defined correctly. From
      what you’ve provided, they seem correct. However, double-check the
      foreign keys and relationships in your Process and Sector models.

    2. You are already logging the sectorId, which seems to work as expected. If you need to debug further, consider logging the entire $processedMaterialOrder object to see all its loaded relationships and attributes:

    Log::channel('ecom')->info(print_r($processedMaterialOrder->toArray(), true));

    Finally you may consider to add error handling to catch any potential issues. For example, you might want to check if $processedMaterialOrder->process or $processedMaterialOrder->process->sector is null before trying to access the id.

    try {
        $processedMaterialOrders = ProcessedMaterialOrder::with('process.sector')->get();
        $filteredProcessedMaterials = [];
        foreach ($processedMaterialOrders as $processedMaterialOrder) {
            // Assuming that 'process' and 'sector' relationships might be null
            if ($processedMaterialOrder->process && $processedMaterialOrder->process->sector) {
                $sectorId = $processedMaterialOrder->process->sector->id;
                // Add your logic here to use $sectorId
            } else {
                // Handle cases where process or sector is not available
                Log::channel('ecom')->info('Process or Sector not found for ProcessedMaterialOrder ID: ' . $processedMaterialOrder->id);
        // Continue with your code, e.g., passing data to a view
        // return view('your_view', compact('processedMaterialOrders'));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // Handle exception
        Log::channel('ecom')->error("An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage());
        // Optionally, you can return an error response or view
        // return response()->json(['error' => 'An error occurred'], 500);
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