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I have 3 databases like theses :

 formations             subjects                          formation_subject           
| id | name|          | id | name | is_optional |         | formation_id | subject_id |
___________           _________________________          ____________________________

where in the ModelsSubject,

public function formations()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Formation::class);

and in the ModelsFormation,

public function formationsSubjects()
    return $this->belongsToMany(Subject::class);

in my controller, I have :

$formations = Formation::get()->pluck('name','id);
$options = Subject::where('is_optional', 1)->get();

On my blade, I have a dropdown of $formations,
and whenever the selected option of that dropdown is changed,
I’d like to get a list of dropdown of $options,
which are the Subject are optional (‘is_optional’ == 1) and the Subject belongsTo(Many) the previously selected $formations

I’ve tried like this,

$options = Subject::where('is_optional',1)->whereIn('id', function($query) use ($formations){
                        })->get()->pluck('code', 'id');

But the results didn’t matched with what’s supposed to appear, and stay the same no matter the formations dropdown is selected.



  1. Laravel has a very thorough documentation I suggest that you study the basics of Laravel and/or reading the documentation:

    To answer your question, you can use the eloquent whereHas method:

    And I think this is the code that want:

    $formationIds = Formation::whereHas('formationsSubjects', function (Builder $query) {
        $query->where('is_optional', 1);
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  2. Laravel is on the backend, and whatever is in Blade file is just HTML that is send to the client (front-end)

    If you want to do something in one field and the DATA get changed, to must get that data from the backend, either from an AJAX request, or re-render the whole page. AJAX request is of course prefered

    You can write Javascript to do AJAX request yourself, or you may want something automatic, look for livewire

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