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why isn’t my form to create a new user not working? im using laravel 9 and livewire. This is my code:

this is the button from where i show the model to create a form:

<div class="py-4 space-y-4">
            <div class="flex justify-between px-2">
                <div class="w-1/4">
                    <x-jet-input  placeholder="search will go here"/>
                    <x-jet-button wire:click="create">New Skill</x-jet-button>

This is the model that shows the form. this model is also used to edit a skill as per Caleb the livewire creator:

<form wire:submit.prevent="save">
        <x-jet-dialog-modal wire:model.defer="showEditModal">
            <x-slot name="title">Edit Skill</x-slot>

            <x-slot name="content">
                <div class="col-span-6 sm:col-span-4">
                    <x-jet-label for="name" value="{{ __('Skill name') }}" />
                    <select wire:model=""
                            class="mt-1 block w-full border-gray-300
                             focus:border-indigo-300 focus:ring
                              focus:ring-indigo-200 focus:ring-opacity-50
                               rounded-md shadow-sm">
                        @foreach(AppModelsSkill::LANGUAGES as $value => $label)
                            <option value="{{ $value }}">{{ $label }}</option>

                        <x-jet-input-error for="" class="mt-2" />
                        <x-jet-label for="years" value="{{ __('Years of experience') }}" class="mt-4"/>
                        <x-jet-input wire:model="editing.years" id="years" type="number"
                         class="mt-1 block w-full"
                         placeholder="Years of experience"/>
                        <x-jet-input-error for="editing.years" class="mt-2" />

            <x-slot name="footer">
                <x-jet-secondary-button wire:click="$set('showEditModal', false)" class="mr-2">Cancel</x-jet-secondary-button>
                <x-jet-button type="submit">Save</x-jet-button>

And this is my livewire component:


namespace AppHttpLivewire;

use AppModelsSkill;
use IlluminateSupportFacadesAuth;
use LivewireComponent;

class Skills extends Component
    public $name ='';
    public $showEditModal = false;
    public Skill $editing;

    public function rules()
        return [
            '' => 'required|in:'.collect(Skill::LANGUAGES)->keys()->implode(','),
            'editing.years' => 'required|numeric|between:' . Skill::MIN_YEARS_OF_EXPERIENCE . ',' . Skill::MAX_YEARS_OF_EXPERIENCE,

    public function render()
        return view('livewire.skills', [
            'skills' => Skill::where('user_id', auth()->id())->get(),

    public function mount(){
        $this->editing = $this->makeBlankSkill();

    public function makeBlankSkill(){
        return Skill::make([
         'name' => 'javascript', 
         'user_id' => auth()->user()->id,

    public function create(){
        if ($this->editing->getKey()) $this->editing = $this->makeBlankSkill();
        $this->showEditModal = true;

    public function edit(Skill $skill) {
        if ($this->editing->isNot($skill)) $this->editing = $skill;
        $this->showEditModal = true;

    public function save()
        $this->showEditModal = false;

I keep getting SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field ‘user_id’ doesn’t have a default value and i dont know why.

This is my modal:


namespace AppModels;

use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentFactoriesHasFactory;
use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel;

class Skill extends Model
    use HasFactory;
    const DEFAULT_OPTION = 'Please select a skill';

    const LANGUAGES = [
        'javascript' => 'JavaScript',
        'php' => 'PHP',
        'python' => 'Python',
        'java' => 'Java',
        'c#' => 'C#',
        'c++' => 'C++',
        'ruby' => 'Ruby',
        'swift' => 'Swift',
        'typescript' => 'TypeScript',
        'rust' => 'Rust',
        'go' => 'Go',
        'kotlin' => 'Kotlin',
        'scala' => 'Scala',
        'dart' => 'Dart',
        'r' => 'R',
        'perl' => 'Perl',
        'elixir' => 'Elixir',
        'clojure' => 'Clojure',
        'haskell' => 'Haskell',
        'erlang' => 'Erlang',
        'lisp' => 'Lisp',
        'sql' => 'SQL',
        'bash' => 'Bash',
        'laravel' => 'Laravel',
        'symfony' => 'Symfony',
        'codeigniter' => 'CodeIgniter',
        'yii' => 'Yii',
        'zend' => 'Zend',
        'cakephp' => 'CakePHP',
        'fuelphp' => 'FuelPHP',
        'slim' => 'Slim',
        'lumen' => 'Lumen',
        'phalcon' => 'Phalcon',
        'silex' => 'Silex',
        'express' => 'Express',
        'koa' => 'Koa',
        'hapi' => 'Hapi',
        'meteor' => 'Meteor',
        'angular' => 'Angular',
        'ember' => 'Ember',
        'react' => 'React',
        'vue' => 'Vue',
        'backbone' => 'Backbone',
        'd3' => 'D3',
        'threejs' => 'Three.js',


    protected $fillable = [
        'name', 'user_id', 'years'

    public function user()
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

Any help is greatly appriceated

I’ve done all there is to do.At least i hope. I’ve added the


array ive set the

'user_id' => auth()->user()->id,

Not sure what else im missing



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER
        public function save()
        $user = auth()->user();
        $this->editing->user_id = $user->id;
        $this->showEditModal = false;

    This was the answer for me

  2. If user_id is null when creating a new Skill, this means there is no authenticated user. You can simply check by doing dd(auth()->id()). If you’re logged in, this will return the primary key for your authentication model. If this is empty, you’re simply not authenticated, and so you must first log in.

    In the case your user_id is actually set, but it isn’t arriving in your database upon saving, you’ll have to check if the property user_id is correctly set on the Skill model’s protected $fillable property.

    If you dd($this->editing) right after mount, you can check the attributes of the model, and if the user_id is set, you know the error happens when saving to the database.

    As it turns out, Livewire won’t hydrate newly set properties on models. This is because Livewire "rehydrates" the models by simply re-fetching them from the database. This can be solved defining a rules property as shown here, directly relating to the model properties. This would ensure Livewire keeps the state of the updated properties.

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