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I have 2 columns with one-to-one relation users and doctors:

| id | name |
| 1  | John |

| id | dep | user_id |
| 1  |  2  |    1    |

User model has this function that returns the doctor with relation:

public function doctor(){
    return $this->hasOne(Doctor::class);

Inserting data:

$valdiated = $request->validated();

$userData = [
    'name' => $valdiated['name'],

$doctorData = [
    'dep' => $valdiated['dep'],

$newUser = new User();

But I’m getting this error:

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db`.`doctors`, CONSTRAINT `doctors_user_id_foreign` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) (SQL: insert into `doctors` (`dep`) values (2))

Is there a way to insert the user_id into doctors table or I have to query the database and get the last id?



  1. You should use create() instead of insert since it will return a instance of the new Model that you just created. Then you will use the doctor() to create a associated to the doctor table.

    $newUser = User::create($userData);
    $newDoctor = $newUser->doctor()->create($doctorData);
    dd($newUser,$newDoctor); //Just to check if the data is inserted.
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  2. I think the issue is using ->insert(); that doesn’t perform any kind of linking logic on the associated Model, so user_id would be null, as it is not present in $doctorData.

    You can use ->create() instead:

    $newUser = User::create($userData);
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