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I’ve defined a Backpack select_from_array column for the field form_trx in the table transactions. I want to populate the options array for that Backpack column with data that’s stored in two columns (called value_store and value_display) of another database table (called lookups). I thought this would work:

from TransactionCrudController.php

   -> type('select_from_array') 
   -> options(  
 function () 
 { return 
   ->where('type_lookup', 'form_trx')
   ->value('value_store', 'value_display')

But it fails, saying

Cannot use object of type Closure as array.

I think I’ve got some PHP details wrong in trying to supply an array to the options() method. Can you tell me the right syntax? Thanks!



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Thank you, @PedroX. You got me onto the right track.

    I now have a working pattern for populating a Backpack select_from_array field's options() method with key=>value pairs plucked from a different table (called lookups below) using an Eloquent query. Since that pattern may be helpful to others, I've shared it below.

    This logic belongs in <table>CrudController.php. It's coded for a field called form_trx in <table>.

    It also relies on an additional table called lookups that contains four columns: value_store and value_display are a key and a value, respectively, for the field named in type_lookup. And sequence_lookup controls the order in which the values will appear in the select_from_array field for the field named in type_lookup.

    So here's how to collect all the keys and values stored in lookups that are relevant to the form_trx field in <table>; turn them into an associative array; and supply that array to a select_from_array field for form_trx in the Backpack controller for <table>.

    First, at the top of <table>CrudController.php, add this line so we can use the DB facade to query the lookups table:

    use IlluminateSupportFacadesDB ;

    Then, in the setupCreateOperation() function, add the following:

            // Fetch a collection of key=>value pairs
            $options = DB::table('lookups')
                        ->where('type_lookup', 'form_trx') 
                        ->pluck('value_display', 'value_store')
            // Set up the form_trx field in Backpack's CRUD controller
            -> label('Form')
            -> type('select_from_array')  // the type of Backpack field you want
            -> allows_null(false)
            -> options($options)  // Backpack will display the value, store the key

    You can use the same code in the setupListOperation() function, too. But you'll have to change CRUD::field() to CRUD::column().

  2. you should pass an array not a closure to the options:

    $options = ['array', 'of', 'options'];


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