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I’m trying to populate a HTML select dropdown with values of a particular column in the database which is an array in this format ["Red","Yellow","Blue"].

I know how to pull the entire product instance for a particular row from DB as a collection and pass it to the view from the controller using;

public function index(){
   $product = Product::where('id','=','12')->get();
   return view('product_details', compact('product'));

Now, for the row I have accessed, I want to populate a select dropdown with the value of the colours column for the row with the id of 12 which is ["Red","Yellow","Blue"] which is in the products table in the database. I have no clue on how to achieve that. Please help out.



  1. Controller

    public function index()
       $product = Product::findOrFail(12); // Assuming the ID is 12
       $colors = $product->colors; // Assuming the array column is named "colors"
       return view('product_details', compact('colors'));


    <select name="color">
       @foreach ($colors as $color)
           <option value="{{ $color }}">{{ $color }}</option>
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  2. From all discussion on comments I believe you are unfamiliar with a few concepts of Laravel, its models and blade files. I’ll try going through them with you.

    The Blade File

    I like Karl Hill’s approach to mapping the colors on the blade file. It did not work because we assumed that you had an array of strings, when you actually have a raw string value representing an array. This is an "issue" with the model, so we’ll keep assuming that and fix it, so the current solution should work:

    <select name="color">
        @foreach ($colors as $color)
            <option value="{{ $color }}">{{ $color }}</option>

    Another option would be forwarding the whole $product to the view, then it would look like this:

    <select name="color">
        @foreach ($product->colors as $color)
            <option value="{{ $color }}">{{ $color }}</option>

    The Controller

    You also had an issue with finding your model using the find() method – this is also an issue with the Model, so we’ll stick to it, as it is the best practice on Laravel. Refactoring "bad" or non-standard code is always better than "working around" issues.

    public function index()
        // Product PK will be set to 'id' and the code below **must** work
        $product = Product::findOrFail(12);
        // Colors attribute will be: Array("Red", "Yellow", "Blue")
        $colors = $product->colors;
        // Modern Laravel has a more sophisticated parameter passage functionality.
        // See
        return view('product_details', [
            'colors' => $colors,

    The Model

    The main issue seem to be here. In order to use find as we stated I need model’s default configurations to be true. If find(12) does not work with this configurations but where('id', '=', 12) does, something wrong and you should debug it until spotting the issue.

     * The primary key for the model.
     * @var string
    protected $primaryKey = 'id';
     * The "type" of the primary key ID.
     * @var string
    protected $keyType = 'int';

    In order for our colors attribute to be properly interpreted as an array, we need to explicitly state it to our model:

     * The attributes that should be cast.
     * @var array<string, string>
    protected $casts = [
        'colors' => 'array',

    The Migration

    Last but not least, we are expecting your table to be somewhat canonical. So here is a minimalistic migration for our model to work as expected, if your migration has peculiarities, they should be well understood:

     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('models', function (Blueprint $table) {
            // or: $table->integer('id')->primary();
            // or: $table->jsonb('colors');
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