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I’d like to use DeepL to translate my Laravel Post model. The problem is, their API requires that we submit a flat array of translations. E.g. our payload would be –

    "target_lang": "ES",
    "text": [
        "The post title",
        "A quote goes here (translatable)",
        "<p>A content block goes here (translatable)</p>",
        "A quote goes here",
        "<p>A content block goes here (translatable)</p>"

However, my actual post uses a ‘content’ array to define blocks of content, like below:

    "type": "quote",
    "data": {
      "name": "A quote name",
      "quote": "A quote goes here (translatable)"
    "type": "content",
    "data": {
      "content": "<p>A content block goes here (translatable)</p>"
    "type": "quote",
    "data": {
      "name": "A quote name (not translatable)",
      "quote": "A quote goes here"
    "type": "content",
    "data": {
      "content": "<p>A content block goes here (translatable)</p>"

The data above is very flexible and changeable but always hinges on the block type. I can easily flatten the data down using something like below:

public function translatableAttributes(): array
    return [
            ->mapWithKeys(fn (array &$content) => match ($content['type']) {
                'quote' => $content['data']['quote'],
                'content' => $content['data']['content'],

But the big issue I’m having is pushing that back into the array. I just can’t think of a way to do this while maintaining its flexibility.

I’ve thought of perhaps implementing promises and then resolving them for each key but again can’t think how to implement this.

I could make separate API calls but again this is very inefficient when I can translate 50 strings at a time in one API call.



  1. I would suggest getting by with a simple array_map()

    public function translatableAttributes(): array
        return [
                fn($content) => $content['data'][$content['type']],
    public function applyTranslations(array $translations): void
        $this->title = $translations[0];
        $this->content = array_map(
            static function ($content, $translation) {
                $content['data'][$content['type']] = $translation;
                return $content;
            array_slice($translations, 1),

    And more complex, but more flexible (if, for example, there are several fields for translation in one content; then we will need to use foreach in getTranslatableKeys())

    public function translatableAttributes(): array
        return [
                fn($key) => Arr::get($this->content, $key),
    private function getTranslatableKeys(): array
        return array_map(
            fn($content, $index) => $index.'.data.'.$content['type'],
    public function applyTranslations(array $translations): void
        $this->title = $translations[0];
        foreach ($this->getTranslatableKeys() as $index => $key) {
            Arr::set($this->content, $key, $translations[$index + 1]);
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  2. A body-less foreach loop with array destructuring syntax can push the desired values by dynamic keypath into the result array.

    Code: (Demo) (or with a loop body)

    $payload = [
        'target_lang' => 'ES',
        'text' => ['The post title']
    foreach ($array as ['type' => $t, 'data' => [$t => $payload['text'][]]]);


    array (
      'target_lang' => 'ES',
      'text' => 
      array (
        0 => 'The post title',
        1 => 'A quote goes here (translatable)',
        2 => '<p>A content block goes here (translatable)</p>',
        3 => 'A quote goes here',
        4 => '<p>A content block goes here (translatable)</p>',
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