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I am using Laravel 5.7 and i need to generate top selling products of current month for my reports. So i join two table products and sells. I want three columns in return which are sell_quantity, product_name*, and product_id.

So i pass those three column inside selectRaw and the query is like below:

 $top_items = Sell::whereBetween('date', [Carbon::now()->startOfMonth(), Carbon::now()->endOfMonth()])->leftJoin('products', '', '=', 'sells.product_id')->selectRaw('sum(sells.quantity) as quantity,, product_id')->groupBy('product_id')->limit(10)->orderBy('sells.quantity', 'desc')->get();

But when i execute i got an error which said isn’t in GROUP BY. My question is it required to pass all the parameter in select which i placed inside groupBy.



  1. If I understand the task correctly, then instead of groupBy you can use unique:

    $top_items = Sell::whereBetween(‘date’, [Carbon::now()->startOfMonth(), Carbon::now()->endOfMonth()])->leftJoin(‘products’, ‘’, ‘=’, ‘sells.product_id’)->selectRaw(‘sum(sells.quantity) as quantity,, product_id’)->limit(10)->orderBy(‘sells.quantity’, ‘desc’)->get()->unique(‘product_id’);

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  2. Try this

    $top_items = Sell::whereBetween('date', [Carbon::now()->startOfMonth(), Carbon::now()->endOfMonth()])
        ->leftJoin('products', '', '=', 'sells.product_id')
        ->selectRaw('sum(sells.quantity) as quantity,, sells.product_id')
        ->groupBy('sells.product_id', '')
        ->orderBy('quantity', 'desc')
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  3. You can achieve this in 2 ways

    1. When using group by, you should include all the selecting fields in the GroupBy function

    $top_items = Sell::whereBetween(‘date’, [Carbon::now()->startOfMonth(), Carbon::now()->endOfMonth()])->leftJoin(‘products’, ‘’, ‘=’, ‘sells.product_id’)->selectRaw(‘sum(sells.quantity) as quantity,, product_id’)->groupByRaw(‘sum(sells.quantity),, product_id’)->limit(10)->orderBy(‘sells.quantity’, ‘desc’)->get();

    1. Disable ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY, You can disable in Environment variables / extensions

    Not recommended

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