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I have a table in my database that stores a student’s progress in a course.

        Schema::create('course_student', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->primary(['course_id', 'user_id']);

Course progress is stored as a JSON object and consists of several JSON objects with progress for a particular lesson.

  "6e980e75-72a6-4260-bbe6-7a764b4e7ce7" : {
    "tools" : 5,
    "exam" : 15,
    "intro" : 5,
    "dictionary" : 5,
    "class" : 35.555555555555557
  "9827d702-c1a1-4fcc-a134-69385ccb7dde" : {
    "intro" : 5,
    "class" : 13,
    "exam" : 15
  "87fd10e3-8140-448e-bf35-64097eb8be48" : {
    "tools" : 5,
    "exam" : 15,
    "intro" : 5,
    "dictionary" : 5,
    "class" : 40
  "52700dd0-caaa-48e7-86f8-d50389fb915f" : {
    "tools" : 5,
    "exam" : 15,
    "intro" : 5,
    "dictionary" : 5,
    "class" : 40
  "daae12a4-b1ac-4138-bbf3-423c3148fc57" : {
    "tools" : 5,
    "exam" : 15,
    "intro" : 5,
    "dictionary" : 5,
    "class" : 0

In the process of studying the course, the student updates the date lesson_timestamp and the data in progress for a particular lesson.

If I sort users by lesson_timestamp, then everything works fine for me.

public function getUsers()
    return $users = User::query()
      ->select('', '', 'users.lastSeen', 'users.totalTime', 'users.retention')
                            ->whereColumn('user_id', '')
                            ->orderByRaw('lesson_timestamp is null')

Is it possible to sort users based on the calculation of the maximum / minimum number of keys class > 35 inside the course progress using the same approach?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Finaly I solved it with stored procedure on MySQL side

    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `calculateLessons`(input_data JSON) RETURNS int
        DECLARE result INT DEFAULT 0;
        DECLARE lesson_key VARCHAR(50);
        DECLARE indx INT DEFAULT 0;
        SET @amount = JSON_LENGTH(JSON_KEYS(input_data));
        WHILE indx < @amount DO
            SET lesson_key = JSON_EXTRACT(JSON_KEYS(input_data), CONCAT('$[',indx,']'));
            IF JSON_EXTRACT(JSON_EXTRACT(input_data, CONCAT('$.',lesson_key)), '$.class') >= 39 || JSON_EXTRACT(JSON_EXTRACT(input_data, CONCAT('$.',lesson_key)), '$.practice') >= 30 THEN
                SET result = result + 1;
            END IF;
            SET indx = indx + 1;
        END WHILE;
    return result;   

    And after I call it inside of my controller

        public function scopeOrderByLessons($query, $direction)
          if ($direction === 'asc') {
            return $query->select('', '')
                        ->join('course_student', 'course_student.user_id', '=', '')
                        ->orderByRaw('sum(calculateLessons(course_student.course_progress)) asc');
          } else {
            return $query->select('', '')
                        ->join('course_student', 'course_student.user_id', '=', '')
                        ->orderByRaw('sum(calculateLessons(course_student.course_progress)) desc');

    It cost me time, so may be later I will find some other decisions

  2. Adding whereRaw statement to your query like:

    $users = DB::table('course_student')
        ->whereRaw('course_progress->"$.class" > 35')

    Should do your work

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