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I’m trying to convert seats to an array in the controller.

this is how the seats data is sent to the controller

i want to convert it to look something like this "B7 , D7 , G10" and I want to match the seats data with my seats table so i can change the seats values in the seats table

This is my jQuery function.

$("#purchase").on("click",function() {
    var data = {
        seats: $(".seats-selected").text(),
        seats_id: $(".seats-selected").data('sid'),
        theatre_id: $("#theatres").data('tid'),
        movie_id: $(".movie_id").val(),
        movie: $("#m-title").text(),
        theatre: $("#theatres").text(),
        date: $("#date").text(),
        time: $("#time").val(),
        total_price: $("#total-p").text(),
        headers: {
            'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
        type: "POST",
        url: "/send-email",
        data: data,
        success: function(response) {
            alert("Your Theatre" + + "n" + data.seats_id + "n" + + "n" + data.time + "n" + data.total_price + "n" );

This is my controller:

    $seats = $request->seats;
    $theatre_id = $request->theatre_id;
    $date = $request->date;
    $time = $request->time;
    $movie_id = $request->movie_id;
    $total_price =  $request->total_price;    
    $bookings = bookings::where('theatre_id', $theatre_id)
                    ->where('date', $date)
                    ->where('time', $time)
                    ->where('movie_id', $movie_id)

    $reserved_seats = $bookings->pluck('seat_number')->toArray();

    $seat = seats::where('seat_number', $request->seats_id)
                ->where('theatre_id', $theatre_id)
                ->where('movie_id', $movie_id)

    if ($seat && !in_array($seat->id, $reserved_seats)) {
        $seat->available = 0;

        // add the booking to the bookings table
        $booking = new bookings;
        $booking->theatre_id = $theatre_id;
        $booking->movie_id = $movie_id;
        $booking->seat_number = explode(',',$seats);
        $booking->date = $date;
        $booking->time = $time;
        $booking->total_price = $total_price;
        $booking->user_id = auth()->id();

I tried every method implode, explode, array_map, everything it won’t work if i just leave it be it will only change the value of the first seat. What I wanna do is save the values in bookings table (seat_number column) e.g like this: A1, B9, G10 and match the seats the AJAX request is sending to the controller from the seats table and change its available value to 0.



  1. It’s easy enough to split up a string like B7D9H12 with a regular expression.

    In PHP you’d have

    $seats = "B7G12D9";
    $pat = "/([A-Z]d+)/";  // Search for A to Z followed by one or more digits and capture
    preg_match_all($pat, $seats, $matches);
    $seatArray = $matches[0];         // Extract the captured data from the $matches array

    Giving an array:

    array(3) {
      string(2) "B7"
      string(3) "G12"
      string(2) "D9"

    You can do something similar in Javascript if you prefer.


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  2. If you need to separate the string with no delimiting characters, then split on the zero-width space after each sequence of numbers.

    K forgets the previously matched characters so that they are not lost in the splitting process. preg_split()‘s advantage over preg_match_all() is that preg_split() only creates a flat array whereas preg_match_all() creates a 2d array — of which only its first row is used.

    Code: (Demo)

    $seats = "B7G12D9";
    var_export (
        preg_split('/d+K/', $seats, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)


    array (
      0 => 'B7',
      1 => 'G12',
      2 => 'D9',

    Here’s the implementation of the same pattern on a different string for a different effect.

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