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I’m trying to show a list of mssg, but I get the following error:

Trying to access array offset on value of type bool

@foreach ($mssg as $mssg)
    <td>{{ $mssg["estDateMessage"]  }}  </td>
         {{"message non lue"}}
         {{"messaage lue"}}
    <td><button><a href="/mssg">lire</a></button></td>

This is my controller

function indexe() { 
    $x = Auth::User()->id;
    $mess = Auth::User()->name;
    $mssg = messages::find($x);

    foreach($mssg as $m) {

    return view('liate_message',["mssg"=>$mssg],["idd"=>$mess]);



  1. Check your foreach code

    @foreach ($mssg as $mssg)
    change to
    @foreach ($mssg as $m)

    then change all entries like {{$mssg["objMessage"]}} to {{$m["objMessage"]}}

    You can change the $m to any variable names you want.

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  2. Make sure variable $mssg => not null and is_array.

    You should dd the $mssg variable in the controller to check what it is, before returning $mssg to the view.

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