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I have a Magento shop (using MySql db) and just noticed that some developer introduced a custom db for capturing some structured data.

Now I noticed that the tables are not linked via foreign keys with each other, but just added a column e.g. priceListID = 01124 which is the same Id as on price list table. So linking the data together must happen within the code by firing different select statements I assume.

Now I am wondering if this needs to be fixed soon or if it actually is ok not to use foreign keys on db level to link data together?
What are the down sides of doing this and are there maybe some benefits (like flexibility?)

Hope you can help me with this! Thanks a lot!



  1. From your description, I understand that tables are indeed functionaly related, as they share a common piece of information (priceListID in the new table relates to id in the original table). On the one hand, this set-up would still allow writing queries that join the tables together.

    The downside of not creating a foreign key to represent that relationship, however, is that, from database perspective, the consistency of the relationship cannot be guaranteed. It is, for example, possible that records are created in the new table where priceListID do not exist in the original table. It would also be possible to delete records in the old table while related records exists in the new one, hence turning the children to orphans.

    As a conclusion: by not using foreign keys, the developers rely solely on the application to maintain data integrity. There is no obvious benefit not using the built-in features that the RDBMS offers to protect data consistency, and chances are developers just forgot that critical part of the table definition. I would suggest having a talk with them and intimate them to create the missing foreign key (unless they can give a clear explanation why they did not).

    This should be as simple as:

    ALTER TABLE newtable
        ADD CONSTRAINT fk_new_to_original_fk 
        FOREIGN KEY (priceListID ) 
        REFERENCES originaltable(id);

    Please note that this requires all values in the referrencing column to be available in the parent table.

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  2. There’re few advantages of keeping such constraints inside a database:

    1. Performance. Most of constraints, such as foreign keys, are better implemented if stored inside a database, close to the data. You want to check data integrity with additional select? You have to make an extra request to the database. It requires some time.
    2. What if you have several applications that work with your database? You have to write code for checking data integrity in all of them, which implies additional expenses.
    3. Synchronization. While you’re checking data integrity with additional select, some other user may delete this data at the same time. And you will not know about it. Of course, these checks can be properly implemented, but this is still an extra work you have to do.

    To me, this is all a smell of bad, not scalable design which can bring many problems. Data integrity is what databases are built for. And these types of verifications should stay inside a database.

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