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I am developing a Magento 2.3 site which was working but has stopped. When I try to get a page up, I get a blank screen. Although it looks empty, it actually contains a little content:

  <!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <head >
                <meta charset="utf-8"/>
<meta name="description" content="Blah Blah"/>
<meta name="keywords" content="More blah blah"/>
<meta name="robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW"/>
<link  rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="http://www.magento2.domain/pub/media/favicon/stores/1/3-ladies-bg.jpg" />
<link  rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="http://www.magento2.domain/pub/media/favicon/stores/1/3-ladies-bg.jpg" />
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async src=""></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());

  gtag('config', 'UA-131267613-1');
</script>            </head>
    <body data-container="body" data-mage-init='{"loaderAjax": {}, "loader": { "icon": "http://www.magento2.domain/pub/static/version1551796553/frontend/_view/en_GB/images/loader-2.gif"}}' class="cms-index-index page-layout-1column">

If I look in the system log, I see the following errors:

[2019-04-30 21:24:48] main.INFO: Broken reference: the '' element cannot be added as child to 'after.body.start', because the latter doesn't exist [] []
[2019-04-30 21:24:48] main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'logger' element cannot be added as child to 'after.body.start', because the latter doesn't exist [] []

I’ve enabled error logging but I get nothing. Can anyone help?

Alternatively, can somebody point me to a good map (or similar) of how magento 2 builds a page so I can try and track down the error.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I have tracked down the issue to a problem with pub/generated/metadata/global.php. Even regenerating it causes the same problem. If I delete the file everything seems to work ok. I confess to not understanding why!

    I now avoid this by not running bin/magento setup:di:compile. I simply run php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy.

  2. I think this error is due to a broken reference in some XML file. You have not mentioned in which page you are getting this error. But you can trace it as below:

    First of all, rename your default.xml from below path:


    Flush all the cache and check(php bin/magento cache:flush)

    If you don’t find anything then rename your page(homepage, listing, detail page, etc) related file.

    For example, if you are getting this error on the homepage then rename cms_index_index.xml.It can reside in your theme or any custom extension.

    Hopefully, this information can help you with the issue.

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  3. I am using Magento 2.3.2 version. In production mode generating generated directory using setup:di:compile is working fine. However, in developer mode doing same is making all pages on frontend blank but not empty (content inside body tag is empty) so I deleted the generated folder and let it be created automatically as I access the site pages. Doing this resolved the issue for me.

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  4. remove everything under generated folder except .htaccess file

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  5. Just go to Magento directory and then delete file generated by di:compile is path :-

    magentogeneratedmetadataglobal.php delete this file then after refersh your page.

    This is temporary solution for this error in local server.

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