Been spending the last 1 day to find a fix for this.
Basically everything works normal if I delete all the contents of generated folder and then generate the files dynamically by accessing the pages rather than doing setup:di:compile.
On the production though, I’m forced to do setup:di:compile and I end up with this certain admin module page being empty.
This is the controller of the page:
namespace EadesigndevAWBControllerAdminhtmlIndex;
use EadesigndevAwbApiAwbRepositoryInterface;
use EadesigndevAwbModelAwb;
use EadesigndevAwbModelAwbFactory;
use EadesigndevAwbHelperData as DataHelper;
use MagentoFrameworkRegistry;
use MagentoBackendAppActionContext;
use MagentoBackendModelSession;
use MagentoFrameworkViewResultPageFactory;
use MagentoBackendAppAction;
class Edit extends Action
* Authorization level of a basic admin session
const ADMIN_RESOURCE = 'Eadesigndev_Awb::awb';
protected $resultPageFactory;
private $awbRepository;
private $awbFactory;
private $registry;
private $session;
private $dataHelper;
private $awbModel;
public function __construct(
Context $context,
PageFactory $resultPageFactory,
AwbRepositoryInterface $awbRepository,
AwbFactory $awbFactory,
Awb $awbModel,
Registry $registry,
DataHelper $dataHelper
) {
$this->resultPageFactory = $resultPageFactory;
$this->awbRepository = $awbRepository;
$this->awbFactory = $awbFactory;
$this->registry = $registry;
$this->awbModel = $awbModel;
$this->session = $context->getSession();
$this->dataHelper = $dataHelper;
* Edit action new awb.
* @return MagentoBackendModelViewResultPage
public function execute()
$id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('entity_id');
if ($id) {
$model = $this->awbRepository->getById($id);
if (!$model->getEntityId()) {
$this->messageManager->addErrorMessage(__('This field no longer exists.'));
/** MagentoBackendModelViewResultRedirect $resultRedirect */
$resultRedirect = $this->resultFactory->create();
return $resultRedirect->setPath('*/*/');
} else {
echo '3';
$model = $this->awbFactory->create();
/** @var Session $data */
$data = $this->session->getFormData(true);
if (!empty($data)) {
$this->registry->register('awb_data', $model);
echo 'wat';
/** @var MagentoBackendModelViewResultPage $resultPage */
$resultPage = $this->resultPageFactory->create();
$resultPage->addBreadcrumb(__('Edit new Awb'), __('Edit new Awb'));
$resultPage->getConfig()->getTitle()->prepend(__('Edit new Awb'));
echo 'pac';
return $resultPage;
the controller currently returns a blank page with my debug strings:
in /vendor/eadesignro/awb/Block/Adminhtml/Xtea
I have the next files:
Edit (folder)
in /vendor/eadesignro/awb/view/adminhtml/layout
I have the next files:
Content of shipping_awb_index_edit.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="" layout="admin-2columns-left" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
<update handle="editor"/>
<referenceContainer name="content">
<block class="EadesigndevAwbBlockAdminhtmlXteaEdit" name="awb_edit"/>
<referenceContainer name="left">
<block class="EadesigndevAwbBlockAdminhtmlXteaEditTabs" name="awb_edit_tabs">
<block class="EadesigndevAwbBlockAdminhtmlXteaEditTabGeneral" name="awb_edit_tab_general"/>
<action method="addTab">
<argument name="name" xsi:type="string">general_section</argument>
<argument name="block" xsi:type="string">awb_edit_tab_general</argument>
<block class="EadesigndevAwbBlockAdminhtmlXteaEditTabCurier" name="awb_edit_tab_curier"/>
<action method="addTab">
<argument name="name" xsi:type="string">curier_section</argument>
<argument name="block" xsi:type="string">awb_edit_tab_curier</argument>
This is the page:
these are the routers:
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:App/etc/routes.xsd">
<router id="admin">
<route id="shipping_awb" frontName="shipping_awb">
<module name="Eadesigndev_Awb" before="Magento_Backend"/>
<route id="edit_awb" frontName="edit_awb">
<module name="Eadesigndev_Awb" before="Magento_Backend"/>
Any possible idea on why $this->resultPageFactory->create();
is simply returning nothing on production but working on development?
The index page works both on production and dev without any problem.
I can provide more info if needed, thank you!
The problem was a CAPSLOCK mistake in the namespace.
should have been
notice the 'AWB' becoming 'Awb'.
Apparently in development mode, the namespaces are not case-sensitive? or perhaps they are all transformed to capslock. If anyone has a clue, leave a comment, thanks!
For anyone who is still getting a blank page in Admin Controller, but the alternative solutions (case-sensitive) doesn’t work for you, you may try running
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
.This helped me.