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I am trying to get a magento 2 shop up. I managed to install everything, but I am missing the link to get the invoice as a pdf on the frontend (which is mandatory for my clients). Here’s what I have:
enter image description here

As you can see, i have all the links to print the order, the invoice and All invoices, but they all take me to a html page, that prints like it, which is pretty annoying. I can’t manage to find any solution to this problem. Is this a base feature in magento or do i really need to pay and install another module in order to achieve this? Thanks in advance.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    We managed to finally get the answer to this problem by just adding a module to our magento 2 installation. I provide the link of it. It is working well for the past month now.

    1. Create your module Vendor_Module
    2. Create route app/code/Vendor/Module/etc/frontend/routes.xml
        <?xml version="1.0" ?>
        <config xmlns:xsi=""
            <router id="standard">
                <route id="myroute" frontName="myroute">
                    <module name="Vendor_Module"/>
    1. Create front controller app/code/Vendor/Module/Controller/Getpdf/Invoice.php
    namespace VendorModuleControllerGetpdf;
    use MagentoFrameworkAppActionHttpGetActionInterface;
    use MagentoFrameworkAppRequestInterface;
    use MagentoFrameworkAppResponseRedirectInterface;
    use MagentoFrameworkAppResponseInterface;
    use MagentoFrameworkAppFilesystemDirectoryList;
    use MagentoFrameworkControllerResultFactory;
    use MagentoSalesModelOrderPdfInvoice as PdfInvoice;
    use MagentoFrameworkStdlibDateTimeDateTime;
    use MagentoFrameworkAppResponseHttpFileFactory;
    use MagentoSalesModelResourceModelOrderInvoiceCollectionFactory;
    use MagentoFrameworkMessageManagerInterface;
    class Invoice implements HttpGetActionInterface
        const SELECTED_PARAM = 'id';
        protected FileFactory $fileFactory;
        protected DateTime $dateTime;
        protected PdfInvoice $pdfInvoice;
        protected RequestInterface $request;
        protected RedirectInterface $redirect;
        protected ManagerInterface $messageManager;
        protected ResultFactory $resultFactory;
        protected CollectionFactory $collectionFactory;
         * @param DateTime $dateTime
         * @param FileFactory $fileFactory
         * @param PdfInvoice $pdfInvoice
         * @param CollectionFactory $collectionFactory
         * @param RequestInterface $request
         * @param RedirectInterface $redirect
         * @param ManagerInterface $messageManager
         * @param ResultFactory $resultFactory
        public function __construct(
            DateTime          $dateTime,
            FileFactory       $fileFactory,
            PdfInvoice        $pdfInvoice,
            CollectionFactory $collectionFactory,
            RequestInterface  $request,
            RedirectInterface $redirect,
            ManagerInterface $messageManager,
            ResultFactory $resultFactory
            $this->fileFactory = $fileFactory;
            $this->dateTime = $dateTime;
            $this->pdfInvoice = $pdfInvoice;
            $this->request = $request;
            $this->redirect = $redirect;
            $this->messageManager = $messageManager;
            $this->resultFactory = $resultFactory;
            $this->collectionFactory = $collectionFactory;
         * @return ResponseInterface|MagentoFrameworkControllerResultRedirect|MagentoFrameworkControllerResultInterface
        public function execute()
            try {
                $collection = $this->collectionFactory->create();
                $invoiceId = $this->request->getParam(self::SELECTED_PARAM);
                $filterIds = $invoiceId ? [$invoiceId] : [];
                    ['in' => $filterIds]
                $pdf = $this->pdfInvoice->getPdf($collection);
                $fileContent = ['type' => 'string', 'value' => $pdf->render(), 'rm' => true];
                return $this->fileFactory->create(
                    sprintf('invoice%s.pdf', $this->dateTime->date('Y-m-d_H-i-s')),
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $resultRedirect = $this->resultFactory->create(ResultFactory::TYPE_REDIRECT);
                return $resultRedirect;
    1. Now you are ready to use this controller. Just create a link and put there href with a path to our controller (In some cases it is a good idea to use MagentoSalesBlockOrderInfo as a class to your block for getting order like $order = $block->getOrder();)

    2. Having an order information you can get invoices in your .phtml file

    <?php foreach ($order->getInvoiceCollection() as $invoice):?>
        <a href="<?= $block->getUrl('myroute/getpdf/invoice', ['id' => $invoice->getId()]);?>"><?php echo $this->escapeHtml(__('Invoice (PDF)')); ?></a>
    <?php endforeach;?>
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