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I am working on a Magento project and to complete an import to ebay process I may need to do a bulk update on EAN numbers.

I am reviewing the database and the tables – and I haven’t found or see any indication as to where this “EAN” field is stored.

I can see it present on individual products under “general” in the edit panel on the magento site



  1. As it is present under “General” tab when viewing individual products, it means that EAN is a product attribute.

    Values are stored in catalog_product_entity_* tables, based on the backend type of the EAN product attribute. In case you don’t know the type, you will need to check the contents of eav_attribute table for the EAN record.

    A good article that explains Magento’s database structure can be found here:

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  2. Read about EAV.

    get eans with product ids

    SELECT entity_id, value FROM catalog_product_entity_varchar 
    WHERE attribute_id IN ( SELECT attribute_id FROM eav_attribute WHERE attribute_code = 'ean');

    write ean to magento

    INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity_varchar
    (value, entity_id, entity_type_id, attribute_id, store_id)
    VALUES ('".$value."', ".$productId.", 4, ".$attributeId.", ".$storeId.")
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value = '".$value."'

    where $attributeId is the id of “ean” attribute from table eav_attribute

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  3. I dont think Magento comes with EAN code out of the box. You have to create an attribute for that.

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