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I tried to install Magento on localhost (XAMPP) for the first time today. As Magento installer does the Readiness Check an error occurs, as it is missing PHP Extension intl. I have done research, but all I can find is to remove ; from “;extension=php_intl.dll” in php.ini in etc folder. This does not work (tried to restart XAMPP and the computer several times)

This is driving me crazy, please help.

I am on macOS Sierra.



  1. First of all, you should check with phpinfo() method to check intl loaded or not. some time may this loaded bud you are in the mistakes.
    after that, check php_intl.dll existin this folder : “xamppphpext”
    if all of these are ok, you may check log files.


    Base on your update about OS,if you have homebrew available and have PHP7:

    $ brew install php70-intl // For PHP7.0
    $ brew install php71-intl // For PHP7.1

    For PHP5.5:

    $ brew install php55-intl

    Re-open your terminal window to ensure it works right in your session. To see if it loaded via your CLI interpreter:

    $ php -m | grep intl


    $ php -i "(command-line 'phpinfo()')" | grep intl


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  2. You need to check your correct php.ini file and also create a php file with a function phpinfo() and run this file and check the extension that are not installed.

    To enable/installed these extension go to php.ini file and uncomment those extension.

    save this file and restart the apache/xampp

    I hope it will work for you.

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