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Here is what I need:
In file vendor/magento/module-sales-rule/Model/Rule/Action/Discount/CartFixed.php there is a public function calculate
I want to comment an If condition inside this function without modifying this core file.

if ($availableDiscountAmount > 0) {

I have created a preference inside a custom module but it is not working as expected. I really appreciate if anyone can help me on this.



  1. Use like this

    code/Magento/* any name or module you need from core file
    If you need some more details let me know it is just like Magento 1 but only folder is changed

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  2. To customize Magento core file, you can use Preference or Plugin. More detail here

    In your case, you can use preference as the following steps:

    1. In the di.xml you can add the reference config:

    <preference for="MagentoSalesRuleModelRuleActionDiscountCartFixed" type="TrainingTestModelRuleActionDiscountCartFixed" />

    1. Create TrainingTestModelRuleActionDiscountCartFixed.php:

      • @author Bach Lee

      namespace TrainingTestModelRuleActionDiscount;

      use MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager;
      use MagentoFrameworkPricingPriceCurrencyInterface;
      use MagentoSalesRuleModelDeltaPriceRound;
      use MagentoSalesRuleModelValidator;
      use MagentoSalesRuleModelRuleActionDiscountFactory;

      class CartFixed extends MagentoSalesRuleModelRuleActionDiscountCartFixed
      * @var string
      private static $discountType = ‘CartFixed’;
      * @var DeltaPriceRound
      private $deltaPriceRound;

       * @param Validator $validator
       * @param DataFactory $discountDataFactory
       * @param PriceCurrencyInterface $priceCurrency
       * @param DeltaPriceRound $deltaPriceRound
      public function __construct(
          Validator $validator,
          DataFactory $discountDataFactory,
          PriceCurrencyInterface $priceCurrency,
          DeltaPriceRound $deltaPriceRound = null
      ) {
          $this->deltaPriceRound = $deltaPriceRound ?: ObjectManager::getInstance()->get(DeltaPriceRound::class);
          parent::__construct($validator, $discountDataFactory, $priceCurrency, $deltaPriceRound);
       * @param MagentoSalesRuleModelRule $rule
       * @param MagentoQuoteModelQuoteItemAbstractItem $item
       * @param float $qty
       * @return MagentoSalesRuleModelRuleActionDiscountData
       * @throws MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException
      public function calculate($rule, $item, $qty)
          /** @var MagentoSalesRuleModelRuleActionDiscountData $discountData */
          $discountData = $this->discountFactory->create();
          $ruleTotals = $this->validator->getRuleItemTotalsInfo($rule->getId());
          $quote = $item->getQuote();
          $address = $item->getAddress();
          $itemPrice = $this->validator->getItemPrice($item);
          $baseItemPrice = $this->validator->getItemBasePrice($item);
          $itemOriginalPrice = $this->validator->getItemOriginalPrice($item);
          $baseItemOriginalPrice = $this->validator->getItemBaseOriginalPrice($item);
           * prevent applying whole cart discount for every shipping order, but only for first order
          if ($quote->getIsMultiShipping()) {
              $usedForAddressId = $this->getCartFixedRuleUsedForAddress($rule->getId());
              if ($usedForAddressId && $usedForAddressId != $address->getId()) {
                  return $discountData;
              } else {
                  $this->setCartFixedRuleUsedForAddress($rule->getId(), $address->getId());
          $cartRules = $address->getCartFixedRules();
          if (!isset($cartRules[$rule->getId()])) {
              $cartRules[$rule->getId()] = $rule->getDiscountAmount();
          $availableDiscountAmount = (float)$cartRules[$rule->getId()];
          $discountType = self::$discountType . $rule->getId();
          $store = $quote->getStore();
          if ($ruleTotals['items_count'] <= 1) {
              $quoteAmount = $this->priceCurrency->convert($availableDiscountAmount, $store);
              $baseDiscountAmount = min($baseItemPrice * $qty, $availableDiscountAmount);
          } else {
              $ratio = $baseItemPrice * $qty / $ruleTotals['base_items_price'];
              $maximumItemDiscount = $this->deltaPriceRound->round(
                  $rule->getDiscountAmount() * $ratio,
              $quoteAmount = $this->priceCurrency->convert($maximumItemDiscount, $store);
              $baseDiscountAmount = min($baseItemPrice * $qty, $maximumItemDiscount);
          $baseDiscountAmount = $this->priceCurrency->round($baseDiscountAmount);
          $availableDiscountAmount -= $baseDiscountAmount;
          $cartRules[$rule->getId()] = $availableDiscountAmount;
          if ($availableDiscountAmount <= 0) {
          $discountData->setAmount($this->priceCurrency->round(min($itemPrice * $qty, $quoteAmount)));
          $discountData->setOriginalAmount(min($itemOriginalPrice * $qty, $quoteAmount));
          return $discountData;


    Or you can use cweagans/composer-patches following this question to edit core Magento files


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  3. App/Code/Magento/SalesRule/model/ *

    Please use it like this

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  4. After adding this please use compile command

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  5. It works for me it will work for you also

    First add folders

    And thank use “setup:upgrade” to update the files.
    Than command “setup:di:compile”.


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