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I´ve got a data frame with a column consisting of Strings (project_skills) which denotes the skills a certain job (job_id) affords. I want to split this string for every job to get an vector of the skills a job affords and then create a Document Term Matrix to denote which skills (out of every possible skill) a certain job affords.

I´ve got the following data frame:

job_id           project_skills
107182           CSS,HTML,Joomla,PHP
108169           XTCommerce,Magento,Prestashop,VirtueMart,osCommerce
112969           Google Search Console,Google Analytics,Google Webmaster Central,C++,Java,C#
114660           Marketing,Email Marketing
118686           PHP

The result should look anything like this (which is basically a Document Term Matrix with comma separated phrases:

job_id  CSS   HTML   PHP   Google Search Console   Google Analytics   Java ...
107182  1     0       0 ...         
108169  0     0       0     0                       0         
112969  0     0       0     1                       1 ...         
114660  0     0       0 ...            
118686  0     0       1 ...

I´ve tried the following:

df <- data.frame(job_id = c(107182, 108169, 112969, 114660, 118686), project_skills = c("CSS,HTML,Joomla,PHP", "XTCommerce,Magento,Prestashop,VirtueMart,osCommerce", "Google Search Console,Google Analytics,Google Webmaster Central,C++,Java,C#", "Marketing,Email Marketing", "PHP"))

corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(df$project_skills))
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, function(x) {
dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(corpus)

But unfortunately this splits all words and not at the commas (e.g. Google Search Console should be treated as one Term in the DTM).



  1. tm (or some other text mining packages) split on words (spaces) and if you don’t check tend to remove punctuation like + and #. The simplest option is just to use strsplit. I show an option below using tidyr and dplyr. First group by job_id, next split the columns. This will create a nesting, which when unnested creates a long data.frame. Here I add the value 1 for every entry which acts like a 1 in a document term matrix. Then spread into a wide format to get your expected output. If you look at the resulting structure the column names are what you expect, not showing the tilde (~).

    outcome <- df1 %>%
      group_by(job_id) %>% 
      mutate(project_skills = strsplit(project_skills, ",")) %>% 
      unnest() %>% 
      mutate(value = 1) %>% # add 1 for every value
      spread(key = project_skills, value = value) # use fill = 0 if you don't want NA's
    # A tibble: 5 x 18
    # Groups:   job_id [5]
      job_id  `C#` `C++`   CSS `Email Marketin~ `Google Analyti~ `Google Search ~ `Google Webmast~  HTML  Java Joomla Magento Marketing
       <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
    1 107182    NA    NA     1               NA               NA               NA               NA     1    NA      1      NA        NA
    2 108169    NA    NA    NA               NA               NA               NA               NA    NA    NA     NA       1        NA
    3 112969     1     1    NA               NA                1                1                1    NA     1     NA      NA        NA
    4 114660    NA    NA    NA                1               NA               NA               NA    NA    NA     NA      NA         1
    5 118686    NA    NA    NA               NA               NA               NA               NA    NA    NA     NA      NA        NA
    # ... with 5 more variables: osCommerce <dbl>, PHP <dbl>, Prestashop <dbl>, VirtueMart <dbl>, XTCommerce <dbl>
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  2. There are many solutions to this but strsplit is your friend. That’s exactly what is done in the following code:

    df <- data.frame(job_id = c(107182, 108169, 112969, 114660, 118686), project_skills = c("CSS,HTML,Joomla,PHP", "XTCommerce,Magento,Prestashop,VirtueMart,osCommerce", "Google Search Console,Google Analytics,Google Webmaster Central,C++,Java,C#", "Marketing,Email Marketing", "PHP"), 
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    dtm <- document_term_frequencies(x = df$project_skills, document = df$job_id, split = ",")
    dtm <- document_term_matrix(dtm)
     [1] "C#"                       "C++"                      "CSS"                      "Email Marketing"         
     [5] "Google Analytics"         "Google Search Console"    "Google Webmaster Central" "HTML"                    
     [9] "Java"                     "Joomla"                   "Magento"                  "Marketing"               
    [13] "osCommerce"               "PHP"                      "Prestashop"               "VirtueMart"              
    [17] "XTCommerce"              
    [1] "107182" "108169" "112969" "114660" "118686"
    [1]  5 17
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