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I am working on a Magento 2 site with a custom extension to add a whitelist to Magento’s CSP. I am running into an issue with the following error: "The Content-Security-Policy directive ‘frame-ancestors’ does not support the source expression ”unsafe-inline”"

The source of this issue is the following file:

The problem is, I have this site whitelisted under frame-ancestors, yet it’s still being blocked. Here is the policy I have so far:

<policy id="frame-ancestors">
        <value id="google-apis" type="host">*</value>

This is the same format I have for all other policies and all those policies have been whitelisted correctly. This is the only one that isn’t being affected.

I have followed this tutorial for making my CSP extension, for reference:

I’m not sure what I am doing wrong, this is the last issue I need to fix before adding CSP to the site.



    1. frame-ancestors directive, indeed, does not support an 'unsafe-inline' token. This token is supported by script-src, style-src and defaulr-src directives only.

    If you have got error: "The Content-Security-Policy directive ‘frame-ancestors’ does not support the source expression ”unsafe-inline”" this means you have a rule: frame-ancestors ... 'unsafe-inline' ...; in the CSP.
    Possible you mistakenly publishes somewhere a second CSP with this rule. Or this error occurs in the third-party iframe, but not in your web app.

    1. You have to use not frame-ancestors but frame-src directive if you wish to allow something like <frame src=''. Because frame-ancestors * controls an embedding your web site into * web page. Whereas frame-src controls which sites are allowed to be embeded on your page.
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  1. It has mentioned in 2.4.3 release Magento doc., this is still a known issue with Magento: So, we can do is a temporary fix for being time.

    The solution is to creating own custom module to extending the Magento_Csp module. In the etc/config.xml file we want to modify the frame-ancestor policy and set it to 0.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
     <config xmlns:xsi=""

    Then run:

    bin/magento s:up
    bin/magento s:s:d -f
    bin/magento c:f

    This will help it’s a working solution.

    Happy Coding!!

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