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My goal:

Magento 2.2.5

If the customer checked to [Add Shopping Bag] option then click [Proceed to Purchase], I’ll add the [Shopping Bag] product to cart and redirect to confirm page.

Cart page  → Confirm page

Source Code:

public function addShoppingBag()
    $shoppingBagSku = $this->helper->getShoppingBagSku();
    $shoppingBagId = $this->productRepository->get($shoppingBagSku)->getId();
    $shoppingBagProduct = $this->productFactory->create()->load($shoppingBagId);
    $quote = $this->checkoutSession->getQuote();
    $params = array(
        'product' => $shoppingBagProduct->getId(),
        'qty' => 1,
        'price' => intval($shoppingBagProduct->getPrice())

    $request = new MagentoFrameworkDataObject();
    $quote->addProduct($shoppingBagProduct, $request);


I checked quote_item table, product was added but all attributes related to price are 0.
quote_address_item table is fine, all prices are correct. The problem is only with quote_item.

The things I tried

$this->cart->addProduct($shoppingBagProduct, $request);

The quote_item price will be updated, but it will redirect to Cart page again because of the following code:


if ($this->_getCheckoutSession()->getCartWasUpdated(true)
    !in_array($action, ['index', 'login', 'register', 'addresses', 'success'])
) {
    $this->_actionFlag->set('', self::FLAG_NO_DISPATCH, true);
    return parent::dispatch($request);

When I try to:


It redirects to Confirm page as I want, but the quote_item price is still 0.

System > Configuration > Sales > Checkout > After Adding a Product Redirect to Shopping Cart is set to No


I searched a lot the same problem in google but no luck to archive my goal.
May be I’m missing something here, any suggestion will be appreciated.
Thank you for reading my problem.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I need to set multishiping = false before add product.

    $quote->addProduct($this->getShoppingBagProduct(), $quantity);

  2. as i promised to you, I’ll try to help you here this way ^^
    So, first of all, you should definitly refactor you’re whole method body. You’re doing a lot of stuff more than once ^^

    I can show you here an example of doing it in a magento way (untested ^^)

    class MyCustomAdd
         * @var MagentoQuoteApiDataCartItemInterfaceFactory
        protected $cartItemInterfaceFactory;
         * @var MagentoQuoteApiCartItemRepositoryInterface
        protected $cartItemRepository;
         * I assume, that this is this class!
         * @var MagentoCheckoutModelCart
        protected $cart;
        public function __construct(
            MagentoQuoteApiDataCartItemInterfaceFactory $cartItemInterfaceFactory,
            MagentoQuoteApiCartItemRepositoryInterface $cartItemRepository
        ) {
            $this->cartItemInterfaceFactory = $cartItemInterfaceFactory;
            $this->cartItemRepository = $cartItemRepository;
         * @throws MagentoFrameworkExceptionNoSuchEntityException The specified cart does not exist.
         * @throws MagentoFrameworkExceptionCouldNotSaveException The specified item could not be saved to the cart.
         * @throws MagentoFrameworkExceptionInputException The specified item or cart is not valid.
        public function addShoppingBagToCart()
            $shippingBagSku = "coole_product_sku";
            $quoteId = $this->cart->getQuote()->getId();
            $cartItem = $this->cartItemInterfaceFactory->create(['data' => [
                MagentoQuoteApiDataCartItemInterface::KEY_SKU      => $shippingBagSku,
                MagentoQuoteApiDataCartItemInterface::KEY_QTY      => 1,
                MagentoQuoteApiDataCartItemInterface::KEY_QUOTE_ID => $quoteId

    You may implement my custom fix for the CartItemRepository like i did it in the Github Issue.


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