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I have created a function which get me post_id from postmeta table using meta value. Before this i was using inbuilt function from Learndash and using that my database query time was around 3.2 seconds. But after writing my own function i was able to reduce it by .4 seconds. But i still think it can be optimized more because Query Monitor plugin is marking my query also as slow.


Query Monitor Slow queries

I am trying to improve the speed of below code and I have tried all of possible workaround and techniques.

This is the code:

public function ntml_question_pid_by_proid($meta_value)
            global $wpdb;

            $tbl = $wpdb->prefix . 'postmeta';

            $prepare_guery = $wpdb->prepare("
SELECT post_id 
  FROM $tbl 
 where meta_key = 'question_pro_id' 
   and meta_value like '%s'
", $meta_value);

            $get_values = $wpdb->get_col($prepare_guery);

            if (is_array($get_values) && count($get_values) > 0) {
                return $get_values[0];
            } else {
                return false;

Is there a workaround that will improve page speed by minimum of 2 seconds?

We already have memcache too.



  1. Stale question, I know.

    Try adding columns to postmeta’s meta_key index index.

    ALTER TABLE wp_postmeta 
      DROP INDEX meta_key,
      ADD INDEX (meta_key(32), meta_value(32), post_id);

    Or use the WP Index MySQL For Speed plugin. It updates quite a few indexes.

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  2. I am using the WordPress Optimize Premium plugin on my education News Website.

    i active: Index Post Meta Table

    Is it fine to work on a website that is news-related and not an e-commerce website?

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