I have been setting up a Jenkins pipeline using docker images. Now I need to run various services like MySQL, Redis, Memcache, Beanstalkd and Elasticsearch. To wait the job until MySQL is ready, I am using the following command :
sh "while ! mysqladmin ping -u root -h mysqlhost ; do sleep 1; done"
sh 'echo MySQL server is up and running'
Where mysqlhost
is the hostname I have provided for the container. Similarly, I need to check and wait for Redis, Memcached, Beanstalkd and Elasticsearch
. But pinging to these services are not working as it is done for MySQL
. How can I implement this ?
You can do a curl to this services in order to check if they are alive or not.
For redis you can also do https://redis.io/commands/ping
The Docker docs mention this script to manage container readiness checks: https://github.com/vishnubob/wait-for-it
I also use this one which is compatible with Alpine: