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I am having a click project which don’t use/need Django anywhere but while running prospector as part of static analysis throws this strange error


prospector -I --strictness veryhigh --max-line-length 120 src/


Line: 1
    pylint: django-not-available / Django is not available on the PYTHONPATH 

There was no reference of django anywhere in the project/code . I am fairly new to python, Am i missing something obivious here ?

python-version : 3.7

pip list

apipkg                 1.5
asn1crypto             1.2.0
astroid                2.3.2
atomicwrites           1.3.0
attrs                  19.3.0
auger-python           0.1.35
boto3                  1.10.14
botocore               1.13.14
bravado                9.2.0
bravado-core           4.9.1
certifi                2019.9.11
cffi                   1.13.2
chardet                3.0.4
click                  6.7
colorama               0.4.1
coloredlogs            10.0
coverage               4.5.4
cryptography           2.3.1
deb-pkg-tools          4.5
docutils               0.15.2
dodgy                  0.1.9
entrypoints            0.3
execnet                1.7.1
executor               21.3
fasteners              0.15
filelock               3.0.12
flake8                 3.7.9
flake8-polyfill        1.0.2
funcsigs               1.0.2
future                 0.18.2
humanfriendly          4.18
hvac                   0.7.1
idna                   2.5
importlib-metadata     0.23
isort                  4.3.21
jmespath               0.9.4
jsonpointer            2.0
jsonschema             3.1.1
lazy-object-proxy      1.4.3
mando                  0.6.4
mccabe                 0.6.1
mock                   3.0.5
monotonic              1.5
more-itertools         7.2.0
murl                   0.5.1
packaging              19.2
pep8                   1.7.1
pep8-naming            0.4.1
pip                    19.3.1
pluggy                 0.13.0
property-manager       2.3.1
prospector             1.1.7
py                     1.8.0
pycodestyle            2.5.0
pycparser              2.19
pydocstyle             4.0.1
pyflakes               2.1.1
pylint                 2.4.3
pylint-celery          0.3
pylint-django          2.0.10
pylint-flask           0.6
pylint-plugin-utils    0.6
pyparsing              2.4.4
pyrsistent             0.15.5
pytest                 5.2.2
pytest-cache           1.0
pytest-cov             2.8.1
pytest-pep8            1.0.6
python-dateutil        2.6.1
python-debian          0.1.33
python-memcached       1.59
pytz                   2019.3
PyYAML                 5.1.2
radon                  4.0.0
raven                  6.9.0
requests               2.19.1
requirements-detector  0.6
rfc3987                1.3.8
customcli              0.1.dev27+g2b07461.d20191114
s3transfer             0.2.1
setoptconf             0.2.0
setuptools             41.6.0
simplejson             3.16.0
six                    1.12.0
snowballstemmer        2.0.0
strict-rfc3339         0.7
swagger-spec-validator 2.4.3
toml                   0.10.0
tox                    3.14.0
tryagain               1.0
typed-ast              1.4.0
urllib3                1.23
verboselogs            1.7
virtualenv             16.7.7
wcwidth                0.1.7
webcolors              1.10
wheel                  0.33.6
wrapt                  1.11.2
zipp                   0.6.0



  1. After some investigation, Propector supports Django, Celery and Flask, which means it automatically installs the Pylint plugins needed for it to support these frameworks.

    Is it possible you have specified to use pylint-django? In order for pylint-django to inspect Django code it requires Django to be installed, prospector docs states it doesn’t normally automatically detect your project’s dependencies, but it states you can turn them off using:

    prospector --no-autodetect

    Let me know if this helps.

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  2. As I said in my comments I think there is a bug with prospector and requirement-detector.

    I was able to reproduce the problem by just installing prospector 1.1.7 in an empty virtualenv:

    $ pip freeze

    Then creating a dummy code:

    $ cat src/ 

    When running prospector I got the same error:

    $ prospector src/
    /home/sma/.pyenv/versions/3.7.3/envs/58918408_so/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ FutureWarning: Possible nested set at position 1
      EXTRANEOUS_WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile(r'[[({] | []}),;:]')
      Line: 1
        pylint: django-not-available / Django is not available on the PYTHONPATH
    Check Information
             Started: 2019-11-18 17:57:27.136877
            Finished: 2019-11-18 17:57:27.301151
          Time Taken: 0.16 seconds
           Formatter: grouped
            Profiles: default, no_doc_warnings, no_test_warnings, strictness_medium, strictness_high, strictness_veryhigh, no_member_warnings
          Strictness: None
      Libraries Used: django, flask, celery
           Tools Run: dodgy, mccabe, pep8, profile-validator, pyflakes, pylint
      Messages Found: 1

    Since prospector issue 245 and pylint django PR 137 Django became an extra dependency of pylint-django.

    But running it without django installed still return a message:

    $ pylint --load-plugins pylint_django src
    ************* Module src
    src/ C0111: Missing module docstring (missing-docstring)
    src/ F5101: Django is not available on the PYTHONPATH (django-not-available)
    Your code has been rated at 0.00/10 (previous run: 0.00/10, +0.00)

    My guess is prospector catch that message and return it when ran directly i.e with dependency automatic detection.

    This seems like an bug/integration problem between the two libraries for me, but a confirmation from a contributor/maintainer from one the project is required.

    Otherwise @Thaveedu a workaround is to disable the dependency automatic detection since in your case you probably don’t care about django, flask or celery anyway:

    $ prospector --no-autodetect src/
    /home/sma/.pyenv/versions/3.7.3/envs/58918408_so/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ FutureWarning: Possible nested set at position 1
      EXTRANEOUS_WHITESPACE_REGEX = re.compile(r'[[({] | []}),;:]')
    Check Information
             Started: 2019-11-18 18:07:30.662236
            Finished: 2019-11-18 18:07:30.804708
          Time Taken: 0.14 seconds
           Formatter: grouped
            Profiles: default, no_doc_warnings, no_test_warnings, strictness_medium, strictness_high, strictness_veryhigh, no_member_warnings
          Strictness: None
      Libraries Used: 
           Tools Run: dodgy, mccabe, pep8, profile-validator, pyflakes, pylint
      Messages Found: 0
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