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Everything in my code is running my database(Postgresql) is using utf8 encoding, I’ve checked the php.ini file its encoding is utf8, I tried debugging to see if it was any of the functions I used that were doing this, but nothing everything is running as expected, however after my frontend sends a post request to backend server through curl for some text to be inserted in the database, some characters like ‘da’ are converted to ‘?’ in postgre and in memcached, I think php is converting them to Latin-1 again after the request reaches the other side for some reason becuase I use utf8_encode before the request and utf8_decode on the other side

 this is the code to send the request
   Send_Request_To_BackEnd("/Settings",$school_name,$uuid,"Upload_Bio","POST",str_replace(" ","%",utf8_encode($bio)));

this is how the backend system receives this

  $data= str_replace("%"," ",utf8_decode($_POST["Data"])); 



  1. Don’t replace " " with "%".

    Use urlencode and urldecode instead of utf8_encode and utf8_decode – It will give you a clean alphanumeric representation of any character to easily transport your data.

    If everything in your environment defaults to UTF-8, you shouldn’t need utf_encode and utf_decode anyways, I guess. But if you still do, you could try combining both like this:

    Send_Request_To_BackEnd("/Settings",$school_name,$uuid,"Upload_Bio","POST", urlencode(utf8_encode($bio)));


    $data= str_replace("%"," ",utf8_decode(urldecode($_POST["Data"]))); 
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  2. You say this like it’s a mystery:

    I think php is converting them to Latin-1 again after the request reaches the other side for some reason

    But then you give the reason yourself:

    because I use utf8_encode before the request and utf8_decode on the other side

    That is exactly what uf8_decode does: it converts UTF-8 to Latin-1.

    As the manual explains, this is also where your ‘?’ replacements come from:

    This function converts the string string from the UTF-8 encoding to ISO-8859-1. Bytes in the string which are not valid UTF-8, and UTF-8 characters which do not exist in ISO-8859-1 (that is, characters above U+00FF) are replaced with ?.

    Since you’d picked the unfortunate replacement of % for space, sequences like "%da" were being interpreted as URL percent escapes, and generating invalid UTF-8 strings. You then asked PHP to convert them to Latin-1, and it couldn’t, so it substituted "?".

    The simple solution is: don’t do that. If your data is already in UTF-8, neither of those functions will do anything but mess it up; if it’s not already in UTF-8, then work out what encoding it’s in and use iconv or mb_convert_encoding to convert it, once. See also "UTF-8 all the way through".

    Since we can’t see your Send_Request_To_BackEnd function, it’s hard to know why you thought you needed it. If you’re constructing a URL with that string, you should use urlencode inside your request sending code; you shouldn’t need to decode it the other end, PHP will do that for you.

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