Using Flyway with MongoDB and Spring Boot
I’m trying to use Flyway with MongoDB and Spring Boot. In other projects, I’ve successfully used Flyway with SQL DBs,
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I’m trying to use Flyway with MongoDB and Spring Boot. In other projects, I’ve successfully used Flyway with SQL DBs,
Here is my configuration I am using –
"name": "mongo-debezium-connector",
"config": {
I have tried to use get method in my Node.js CRUD application. It too much time to load in the
I was using $dateTrunc on a timeseries collection to group the timeseries data from 2024-12-01 to 2024-12-07 into a single
I am getting following exception:
java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseRecord cannot be cast to class org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.record.XMLRecord (org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseRecord and org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.record.XMLRecord are in unnamed
The data in mongodb is like this
"_id": "1",
"a": 1,<br
I am trying to use mongo lookup operator to join data between two collections.
I have a collection named parks
i am trying to evolve my mongo search engine into something more advanced. I know why the below code is
I want to pass a MongoDB function (new Date()) as raw in an aggregation query from C#. I expect that
I have a mongo collection that stores city/country data in multiple languages. For example, the following query:
db.cities_database.find({ "": "Węgry"