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The following command executed with legacy mongo shell:

mongo --quiet << EOF
  show dbs

provides this output

admin   0.000GB
config  0.000GB
local   0.000GB

However, the same command with new shell (mongosh)

$ mongosh --quiet << EOF
  show dbs

provides a slightly different ouput:

test>   show dbs
admin   40.00 KiB
config  36.00 KiB
local   40.00 KiB

I have a set of old script using mongo that I want to migrate to mongosh but that slight difference in the output makes them break in some point. I wonder if I could avoid extra work adapting it configuring mongosh to provide output in the exact same way than mongo.

Is there some way of doing so, please?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: the show db above is just an example. I’m looking for a general solution that covers in general any other case. For instance, this new one:

Legacy shell:

$ echo 'db.dropDatabase()' | mongo sample-db --quiet
{ "ok" : 1 }

New shell:

$ echo 'db.dropDatabase()' | mongosh sample-db --quiet
sample-db> db.dropDatabase()
{ ok: 1, dropped: 'sample-db' }

In fact, just the ability of removing the prompt part that output (test>, sample-db>, etc.) would help a lot.



  1. show dbs is a shell internal command, thus it would be difficult.

    Some commands from legacy mongo shell you can get by loading mongocompat. You can add this to your .mongoshrc.js


    To get all databases you can also query collection db.getSiblingDB('config').databases


    db.getSiblingDB('config').databases.find({}).forEach(x => {
       print(`${x._id} ${db.getSiblingDB(x._id).stats(1000 * 1000 * 1000).storageSize}GB`)

    It should produce the same output as show dbs

    For your problem, better use

    mongosh --quiet --nodb --eval 'print("Hello World")'
    Hello World

    instead of

    echo 'print("Hello World")' | mongosh --quiet --nodb 
    (NoDB)> print("Hello World")
    Hello World
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  2. There is eval parameter for that.

    Instead of

    $ echo 'db.dropDatabase()' | mongosh sample-db --quiet


    $ mongosh sample-db --quiet --eval 'db.dropDatabase()' 

    It outputs exactly

    { ok: 1, dropped: 'sample-db' }
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