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I want to exclude for example email and address using populate() function from mongodb, just get the name from it:


const results = await Seller.aggregate(aggregatePipeline).exec();
const sellers = await Seller.populate(results, { path: "user" });

When populating the user instead of having:

user: {
    email: "[email protected]",
    name: "name"

I want to only have (exclude certain data from the path):

user: {
   name: "name"



  1. You can do either,

    const sellers = await Seller.populate(results, { path: "user", select: '- 
    email -address'  });


    const sellers = await Seller.populate(results, { path: "user", select: 
    'name'  });
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  2. As i understand mongoose documentation, populate as $lookup is use to resolve a relation with other collection.

    MongoDB has the join-like $lookup aggregation operator in versions >= 3.2. Mongoose has a more powerful alternative called populate(), which lets you reference documents in other collections.

    In your case, you don’t need to resolve a field with an other collection. You already have the final data you target . You could use $project at the end of your pipeline aggregation to keep only name field, like :

    { $project: { name:1 } }

    Let me know if i helped you.

    Edit :

    I read too fast, if you have this data res after the populate and not after the aggreg, you may select your final field, like is said

    user: {
        email: "[email protected]",
        name: "name"
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