I am new to MongoDB and I’m struggling in extract a subdocument from a document.
In my case, I have the following schema:
user_id: "u1",
subscriptions: [
"tier": "Basic",
"requests": [
"name": "aaaa"
"name": "bbbb"
"tier": "Premium",
"requests": [
"name": "cccc"
"name": "dddd"
user_id: "u2",
subscriptions: [
"tier": "Premium",
"requests": [
"name": "eeee"
"name": "ffff"
In my case I would like to get ONLY the list of requests for user 1.
This is what I would like to get :
{ "name": "aaaa" },
{ "name": "bbbb" },
{ "name": "cccc" },
{ "name": "dddd" }
How can I fix it ?
and then$project
A simple way will be:
As you can see on the playground
separates the array elements into single documents. The$project
allows to format the documentWith the aggregation framework, you can create a pipeline that first filters out documents in the collection with the given condition using the following
pipelineThe next pipeline will need to display the desired output using
pipeline stage and the expression to achieve this will use a $reduce array operator.This operator enables you to flatten the 2d array expression
which mongo resolves from thisby concatenating the inner arrays with [
] operator 3 to justwithout the need to introduce a couple of
steps which can potentially be a huge performance cost when you have large arrays because it produces a copy of each document per array entry, which uses more memory (possible memory cap on aggregation pipelines of 10% total memory) and thus also takes time to produce/process and that’s not really necessary.The
expression in this case becomesThus your overall aggregation operation follows:
Mongo Playground
Result will be