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I’m a learner and new at mongo. I’m trying to fetch the last records according to particular field. In SQL select * from powerandlevel group by deviceId order by desc limit 1. So in this SQL query based on deviceId I can get the last record of every deviceId. Same I want do in mongodb

_id: "ObjectId(6246ab45e95eac6c85726cfc)"
imageName: "IMG_123456.jpg"
eventTime: "2022-04-01T07:35:30.615Z"
deviceId: "48701ED21819"
_id: "ObjectId(6246ab45e95eac6c85726cfc)"
imageName: "IMG_123456.jpg"
eventTime: "2022-04-01T07:38:10.543Z"
deviceId: "58701ED21819"
_id: "ObjectId(6246ab45e95eac6c85726cfc)"
imageName: "IMG_123456.jpg"
eventTime: "2022-04-01T08:05:50.865Z"
deviceId: "48701ED21819"

And I’m using this query db.imageEvent.aggregate([{ "$group" : {"_id" : { "deviceId" : "$deviceId"}}}, {$sort: {eventTime: 1}}, { $limit : 1 }])


[{ "_id" : { "deviceId" : "58701ED21819" } },
{ "_id" : { "deviceId" : "48701ED21819" } }]

And expecting a result like this

_id: "ObjectId(6246ab45e95eac6c85726cfc)"
imageName: "IMG_123456.jpg"
eventTime: "2022-04-01T07:38:10.543Z"
deviceId: "58701ED21819"
_id: "ObjectId(6246ab45e95eac6c85726cfc)"
imageName: "IMG_123456.jpg"
eventTime: "2022-04-01T08:05:50.865Z"
deviceId: "48701ED21819"



    1. $sort – Sort by eventTime DESC.
    2. $group – Group by deviceId and take first document into data field via $first.
    3. $replaceRoot – Replace the input document with data.
        $sort: {
          eventTime: -1
        "$group": {
          "_id": {
            "deviceId": "$deviceId"
          data: {
            $first: "$$ROOT"
        "$replaceRoot": {
          "newRoot": "$data"

    Sample Mongo Playground

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  1. If you don’t need the ObjectId of each result, just the common values and the latest date, you can simplify it by:

        $group: {
          _id: "$deviceId",
          imageName: {$first: "$imageName"},
          eventTime: {$max: "$eventTime"},
          deviceId: {$first: "$deviceId"},

    As you can see on the playground
    The $first is convenient for values that are the same for the group. The $max will give you the latest date.

    This will prevent you from sorting the entire collection and from creating large documents during the query, since there is a cap size for a document.

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