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I’m new to making queries in Mongo. I have this single record and I need to find the sections with the same link.

My record:

    "_id" : ObjectId("1234"),
    "name": "singleRecordInMongo",
    "__v" : 0,
    "sections" : [ 
            "name" : "firstElement",
            "link" : "",
            "_id" : ObjectId("624dd0aca5fb565661da1161")
            "name" : "secondElement",
            "link" : "",
            "_id" : ObjectId("624dd0aca5fb565661da1162")
            "name" : "thirdElement",
            "link" : "",
            "_id" : ObjectId("624dd0aca5fb565661da1163")

Expected result:

    "sections" : [ 
            "times" : 2,
            "link" : ""

I tried something like this but it didn’t work

  {$unwind: "$sections"},
  { $project: {_id: '$_id', value: '$sections'} },
  { $group: {
        _id: null, 
        occurances: {$push: {'value': '$link', count: '$count'}}



  1. Edit:
    You can use $group:

      {$unwind: "$sections"},
        $group: {
          _id: "$",
          orig_id: {$first: "$sections._id" },
          count: {$sum: 1 }
      {$match: { "count": {$gt: 1 }}},
        $group: {
          _id: 0,
          sections: {$push: { link: "$_id", count: "$count"}}

    Like this playground returning:

        "_id": 0,
        "sections": [
            "count": 2,
            "link": ""
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  2. For an aggregate operation that uses JavaScript functions with the $function operator, you can use a hash map to keep track of duplicates as follows:

       { $addFields: {
          sections: {
             $map: {
                input: "$sections",
                in: { times: 1, link: "$$" }
       } },
       { $addFields: {
          sections: {
             $filter: {
                input: {
                   $function: {
                      body: function (data) { 
                         const map = {}; 
                         data = => { 
                            if (map[]) {
                               map[].times += item.times
                            } else { 
                               map[] = item; 
                            return item; 
                         return data.filter((item) => item !== undefined); 
                      args: [ "$sections" ],
                      lang: "js"
                cond: { $gt: ["$$this.times", 1] }
       } }

    Bear in mind

    Executing JavaScript inside an aggregation expression may decrease
    performance. Only use the $function operator if the provided pipeline
    cannot fulfill your application’s needs.

    Mongo Playground

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