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I’ve a many documents like this

_id :62e13ae4f9a38f7610e70bdb

            "amount": 50,
            "category": "Bills",
            "type": "Expense",
            "date": "2022-01-20T00:00:00.000Z",
            "_id": "62e13ae4f9a38f7610e70be0"
            "amount": 100,
            "category": "Lottery",
            "type": "Income",
            "date": "2022-01-20T00:00:00.000Z",
            "_id": "62e13ae4f9a38f7610e70be1"
            "amount": 200,
            "category": "Salary",
            "type": "Income",
            "date": "2022-01-20T00:00:00.000Z",
            "_id": "62e13ae4f9a38f7610e70be2"

And I want to retrieve an object from the transactions array with a particular id (I only want that object )

I tried some methods like

      const transactions = await Transactions.find({
        user: req.user._id,
        "transactions._id": {$eq: req.params._id },

  const transactions = await Transactions.find({
        user: req.user._id,
        "transactions": { _id: req.params._id },
            const transactions = await Transactions.find({
        user: req.user._id,
        "transactions": { $elemMatch:{_id: req.params._id }},

but nothing seems to be working, can anyone help me to solve this And please mention the mistake I made.



  1. If you only want that matching element, you have to use aggreation.

      $unwind: "$transactions"
      $match: {
        "": "idGoesHere"

    As you commented in the other answer, you could use positional operator to project the matching elements as well.

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  2. Try to match the transactions._id directly:

    "transactions._id": req.params._id


    const transactions = await Transactions.find({
      user: req.user._id,
      "transactions._id": req.params._id


    From the comment, it’s possible to use projection as the second parameter of .find() to return only the object it found in the transactions.

    const transactions = await Transactions.find({
      user: req.user._id,
      "transactions._id": req.params._id
    }, { "transactions.$": 1 });

    More information

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