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I am trying to get the last document in a MongoDB collection.
The following works in the Mongo shell:


Results in the last object like so:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("62c8817075c9400469b1fc3a"), "token" : "135e53ebb05aa2b6055513843cb8e0dca1", "createdAt" : ISODate("2022-07-08T19:11:44.730Z"), "updatedAt" : ISODate("2022-07-08T19:11:44.730Z"), "__v" : 0 }

But this does not work in my Express app:

 const last = FM_Model.find().limit(1).sort({$natural:-1})
 console.log('Last Token from MONGODB here -> ', last)

In the code above the console.log returns a very long object related to the collection itself, but not the document I want.

I have tried other variations but nothing has worked so far. If anyone can give me any ideas of what I am missing that would be great.



  1. Try


    First revert the order then get the first one

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  2. .find() returns an array. But there is an better version with .findOne wich return the result or undefined

    FM_Model.findOne({}, {}, { sort: { 'createdAt' : -1 } })

    With -1 you get the oldest element, wich is the latest.

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  3. I would recommend sorting on the _id field as it’s indexed by default: reference. Or you could sort by the createdAt if the field has a descending order index.

    const last = await FM_Model.findOne({}).sort({ _id: -1 });

    More about MongoDB indexing can be found here

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