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If there are documents with endDate,I want to fetch documents in a collection whose endDate+3 days is less than today through mongo query

The below query will find records whose endDate is less then today

const myCollection= DB_CONNECTION.collection(TRANSACTION);

let expiredTrans = await myCollection.find({ "endDate": { $lt: curTime}}).toArray();

I need to add 3 days to that endDate and then fetch records.



  1. You need the $dateAdd operator, but since it is an aggregation operator, you need to work with the $expr operator.

    Optional, you can replace curTime with $$NOW which is a MongoDB variable to get the current time.

      $expr: {
        $lt: [
            $dateAdd: {
              startDate: "$endDate",
              unit: "day",
              amount: 3
          "$$NOW"// curTime

    Demo @ Mongo Playground

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  2. You can try this

    let expiredTrans = await myCollection.find({
      $expr: {
        $lt: [
          { $add: ["$endDate", 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000] }, // Add 3 days in milliseconds
          "$$NOW"// curTime
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