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I want to calculate the percentage of the position of a football player field-wise to the country they belong to.
Let’s say, there are a total 800 players from Nepal whereas only 20 were goal keepers so percentage would be Nepal: 2.5 %

My Dataset

"position":"goal keeper",
"position":"goal keeper",
"position":"goal keeper",

there are 3 defenser from Nepal out of total 4 and 2 defenser from france out of 4.

Expected output

{"country":"Nepal", "position": "defenser", "percentage":"75"}
{"country":"France", "position": "defenser", "percentage":"50"}



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    As far as this data set and the problem is concerned we can get the appropriate result without using $$ROOT and $replaceRoot functions too.


    1. Group country-wise and get the total and push the position
    2. Then unwind the array of position

    3 Then multiple groups of country and positions and there individual sum.

    4 In last project stage calculate the percentage

     $group: {
      _id: '$country',
      sum: {
       $sum: 1
      position: {
       $push: '$position'
    }, {
     $project: {
      _id: 0,
      country: '$_id',
      sum: 1,
      position: 1
    }, {
     $unwind: {
      path: '$position'
    }, {
     $group: {
      _id: {
       position: '$position',
       country: '$country'
      individualSum: {
       $sum: 1
      sum: {
       $first: '$sum'
    }, {
     $project: {
      _id: 0,
      position: '$_id.position',
      country: '$',
      individualSum: 1,
      sum: 1,
      percentage: {
       $multiply: [
         $divide: [

  2. Query

    • group by country and position, and count
    • group by country, to calculate the totalSum for that country
    • map dividing the count/totalSum and * 100
    • unwind and replace root
    • result is, for each country the percentage each position takes


       {"_id": {"country": "$country", "position": "$position"},
        "sum": {"$sum": 1}}},
       {"_id": "$",
        "players": {"$push": "$$ROOT"},
        "totalsum": {"$sum": "$sum"}}},
           {"input": "$players",
             {"position": "$$this._id.position",
              "country": "$_id",
                 [{"$divide": ["$$this.sum", "$totalsum"]}, 100]}}}}}},
     {"$unwind": "$players"}, {"$replaceRoot": {"newRoot": "$players"}}])
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