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I need to duplicate a document from my collection orders by filtering the field cd_order with value "7650614875".

Collection orders look like this:

  "cd_order": "7650614875"

I will copy this document more than 50 times (I will change this value in the query), so I also need to change the value from this field cd_order from this copied document to another value, so I though by converting into int and then use the function inc to increment 1 and then converting back to string.

I tried the query below but only the copy ocorrued, the rest didn’t work:

var copy = db.orders.findOne({ cd_order: "7650614875" }, { _id: 0 });
for (var i = 0; i< 3; i++){     
    { $convert: { input: $string, to: "int" } }
    { $inc: { "cd_order" : 1 } }
    { $convert: { input: $int, to: "string" } }

How can I duplicate this document, increment 1 into field cd_order to not be the same as the previous one, and also to print all new cd_order at the end?

Print example:

cd_order: 7650614875, 7650614876, 7650614877, 76506148758, ...



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I was able to duplicate to convert the value and increment before duplicating the document, it worked well:

    var copy = db.orders.findOne({ cd_order: "7650614877" }, { _id: 0 });
    for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        copy.cd_order = (parseInt(copy.cd_order) + 1).toString();

    I was also able to print all values using this query:

    var orders = db.orders.find({ "nm_ancestor": {$eq: "Luigi D'arpino"} }, { "cd_order": 1 });
    var ordersString = "";
    orders.forEach(function(order) {
        if(ordersString.length>0) ordersString += ", ";
        ordersString += order.cd_order;
    print("cd_order: " + ordersString);

  2. You can use $range to generate an array of increment. $unwind the array to add to cd_order and $merge to insert/update into the collection

        "$match": {
          "cd_order": "7650614875"
        $set: {
          inc: {
            "$range": [
        "$unwind": "$inc"
        $set: {
          cd_order: {
            $toString: {
              $add: [
                  "$toLong": "$cd_order"
          "inc": "$$REMOVE",
          _id: "$$REMOVE"
        "$merge": {
          "into": "collection",
          "on": "cd_order",
          "whenMatched": "merge",
          "whenNotMatched": "insert"

    Mongo Playground

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