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I have a problem that I can get a data from mongoDB but it’s not what i want.

I just want to get a data, if datas have "#l" sting in the message field, I want it.

here’s data on mongodb

({...someData, message: 'asdfff #lol blah blah blah hellohellohellohello'})
({...someData, message: '#lol asdfff blah blah blah byebyebye'})
({...someData, message: 'asdfff asdffasfdah blah blah #lol hello'})
({...someData, message: 'asdfff #l blah blah blah hello'})
({...someData, message: 'asdfff #lo blah blah blah hello'})

here’s what i’ve done

const hashtagPosts = await Post.aggregate([
        $match: {
          message: { $regex: `#${hashtag}` },
        $sort: {
          createdAt: -1,
        $limit: 10,
    const hashtagPosts = await Post.find({
      message: { $regex: `#${hashtag}` },

and If I run these code with "#l" this hashtag I will get this data

({...someData, message: 'asdfff #lol blah blah blah hellohellohellohello'})
({...someData, message: '#lol asdfff blah blah blah byebyebye'})
({...someData, message: 'asdfff asdffasfdah blah blah #lol hello'})
({...someData, message: 'asdfff #l blah blah blah hello'})
({...someData, message: 'asdfff #lo blah blah blah hello'})

What I want, the result

({...someData, message: 'asdfff #l blah blah blah hello'})

if I search with "#l" this searchword I want to get datas that contain exact the same searchword
like "#l" => "#l"

not contain "#lol" "#lo"
is it possible?
I have no idea how can i get datas like that. thanks for reading my question.



  1. You just need to change your regex, if you want to allow any match precending #l except a letter you could use the negative lookahead syntax like this:

    message: { $regex: `#l(?![a-zA-Z])` },

    And you can add any "illegal" characther to the group.

    If all you want is exact match for #l it’s much easier, we either allow a space or end of string, like this:

    message: { $regex: `#l($|s)` },

    (I didn’t deal with the precending edge case under the assumption no string will be like #hashtag#l, but using the same technique you an ensure the tokens you want before it are there.

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  2. MongoDB Playground with example
    Above answer explanation is correct.

    DB Record:

        "key": 1,
        "message": "asdfff #lol blah blah blah hellohellohellohello",
        "key": 2,
        "message": "#lol asdfff blah blah blah byebyebye"
        "key": 3,
        "message": "asdfff asdffasfdah blah blah #lol hello"
        "key": 4,
        "message": "asdfff #l blah blah blah hello"
        "key": 5,
        "message": "asdfff #lo blah blah blah hello"

    Aggregation Query :

        $match: {
          "message": {
            // put your query in $regex option
            $regex: "#l(?![a-zA-Z])",

    Output Screenshoot:

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  3. You can do it like this way.

    const hashtagPosts = await Post.find({
          message: /#l/i

    Another way to do this.

    const hashtagPosts = await Post.find({
          message:  { "$regex": "#l", "$options": "i" }
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