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I’m new to MongoDB aggregation. I am not getting desired output
The output I’m getting from aggregation:-


but I want the following output from the pipeline:-


and lastly, pipeline I’m running:-

const pipeline = [[
              $match: {
                $expr: {
                  $in: [
                    Mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userid), '$likedBy.user'
            }, {
              $lookup: {
                from: 'tweets', 
                localField: 'tweet', 
                foreignField: '_id', 
                as: 'tweet'
            }, {
              $unwind: {
                path: '$tweet'
            }, {
              $lookup: {
                from: 'users', 
                localField: 'tweet.user', 
                foreignField: '_id', 
                as: 'user'
            }, {
              $unwind: {
                path: '$user'
            }, {
              $addFields: {
                'tweet.user': '$user'
                $addFields: {
                  'tweet.isLiked': true,
        const likedTweets = await TweetLike.aggregate(pipeline)

I know I can do this with javascript but I want to do it with the pipeline



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Answering my own question

    i wanted to return sub-document so i found this

    all i had to do is use

     $replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$tweet"}

    it worked for me

  2. You can replace your last project stage with the following to achieve what you need:

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