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I have a collection of documents books:

  title: "My book",
  authors: [{id: 1, date: "2023-12-20"},{id: 2, date: "2023-12-21"}],
  authorsDetails: [{id: 2, name:"Author 2", age: 25}, {id: 1, name: "Author 1", age: 38}],

I need to do an aggregation and the result must return the following result:

  title: "My book",
  authors: [{id: 1, date: "2023-12-20", name: "Author 1"},{id: 2, date: "2023-12-21", name: "Author 2"}],

Basically I need to add some informations from authorsDetails to authors. In this case only the name.

NOTE: The two arrays are not necessary sorted in the same way.

I tried an $addFields pipe + $map but it is not enough. I tried this:

const pipeline = [
      $addFields: {
        indices: { $range: [0, { $size: '$authors' }] },
      $addFields: {
        admins: {
          $map: {
            input: '$indices',
            as: 'index',
            in: {
              detail: { $arrayElemAt: ['$authorsDetails', '$$index'] },
              author: { $arrayElemAt: ['$authors', '$$index'] },

This works only if the arrays are sorted in the same way. Also I need to do another map to fix this as I expect.

Do you have any idea on how to do this?



  1. Under the assumption that the ids in 2 arrays are 1 to 1 correspondence(i.e. the id in author will only map to 1 entry in authorDetails Array and there is no missing/duplicate entry), we can first $sortArray to align the entries. Then use $zip and $mergeObjects to combine the array entries.

        "$set": {
          "authors": {
            "$sortArray": {
              "input": "$authors",
              "sortBy": {
                "id": 1
          "authorsDetails": {
            "$sortArray": {
              "input": "$authorsDetails",
              "sortBy": {
                "id": 1
        "$set": {
          "authors": {
            "$zip": {
              "inputs": [
        "$set": {
          "authors": {
            "$map": {
              "input": "$authors",
              "as": "a",
              "in": {
                "$mergeObjects": [
                    $first: "$$a"
                    $last: "$$a"
        $unset: "authorsDetails"
        "$merge": {
          "into": "collection",
          "on": "_id",
          "whenMatched": "replace"

    Mongo Playground

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  2. Here is a simple approach where you $concatArrays first , then you can $unwind the new array and $group back together based on and then $mergeObjects within that $group stage. I had to do another $group stage to keep hold of that title but it does the job. Hopefully someone sees a more efficient way so that it can be improved.

    Key point here is you don’t need to rely on any sorting.

        $project: {
          title: 1,
          authors: {
            $concatArrays: [
        $unwind: "$authors"
        $group: {
          _id: {
            _id: "$",
            title: "$title"
          authors: {
            $mergeObjects: "$authors"
        $group: {
          _id: "$_id.title",
          authors: {
            $push: "$authors"
        $set: {
          title: "$_id"
        $unset: [

    See HERE for a working example.

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