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I have two mongodb aggregate query as shown below.

The below query gives me the count of total failed and the sectionType

        $match: {$and: [{"subject.failed": {$eq: 'true'}}, {"section": {$eq: 'A'}}]}
        $group: {
            _id: {"sectionType": "$sectionType"},
            "COUNT(*)": {$sum: 1}
        $project: {"totalFailed": "$COUNT(*)", "$sectionType": "$_id.$sectionType", "_id": 0}

The below query find the total who attended the exam in the section type which we got from the above query

        $match: {$and: [{"sectionType": {$eq: 'Section Type From the Previous query result'}}, {"section": {$eq: 'A'}}]}
        $group: {
            _id: null,
            "COUNT(*)": {$sum: 1}
        $project: {"totalCount": "$COUNT(*)", "_id": 0}

Both queries are working fine, but I would like to know if there is any other way I can join these two queries and rewrite in any other better way

A sample data is as given below

doc 1

        "section": "A",
        "sectionType": "typeA",
        "subject": [
            "failed": "true",
            "subject_name": "Name A",
            "subject_staff_count": "1245",
            "subject_id": "a1111"
            "failed": "true",
            "subject_name": "Name B",
            "subject_staff_count": "2222",
            "subject_id": "a2222"

doc 2

    "section": "A",
    "sectionType": "typeA",
    "subject": [
        "failed": "true",
        "subject_name": "Name B",
        "subject_staff_count": "3333",
        "subject_id": "a331"
        "failed": "true",
        "subject_name": "Name C",
        "subject_staff_count": "4444",
        "subject_id": "a44422"

doc 3

    "section": "A",
    "sectionType": "typeA",
    "subject": []

The result of 1st Query

| sectionType | totalFailed |
|    typeA    |      2      | 

From the first query result we get sectionType typeA, by using that we get the second query result

| totalCount  |
|     3       | 

Expected Result

My expected result which I am trying to get is

The result of 1st Query

| totalFailed |  totalCount |
|      2      |      3      | 



  1. You can use $lookup to perform your 2nd query. Simply put your 2nd query into the sub-pipeline

        $match: {
          $and: [
              "subject.failed": {
                $eq: "true"
              "section": {
                $eq: "A"
        $group: {
          _id: {
            "sectionType": "$sectionType"
          "COUNT(*)": {
            $sum: 1
        $project: {
          "totalFailed": "$COUNT(*)",
          "sectionType": "$_id.sectionType",
          "_id": 0
        "$lookup": {
          "from": "Departments",
          "let": {
            st: "$sectionType"
          "pipeline": [
              $match: {
                $expr: {
                  $and: [
                      $eq: [
                      $eq: [
              $group: {
                _id: null,
                "COUNT(*)": {
                  $sum: 1
              $project: {
                "totalCount": "$COUNT(*)",
                "_id": 0
          "as": "query2"

    Here is the Mongo playground for your reference.

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  2. The title is really confusing. You are not merging 2 queries, you need 2 counts – total and conditional. I am sure you would find plenty of answers to that question on SO, all about using $cond in the aggregator:

        $match: {
          "section": "A"
        $group: {
          _id: "$sectionType",
          "totalFailed": {
            $sum: {
              $cond: [
                  $eq: [
          "total": {
            $sum: 1
        $project: {
          "totalFailed": 1,
          "sectionType": "$_id",
          "total": 1,
          "_id": 0

    As a side note, the original queries suggest you copied them from SQL. You may find results quite unexpected for documents with your structure.

    The initial $match stage in your pipelines will match all documents where at least 1 item in the subject array matches, i.e. failed.

    If you intend to count per-subject, you need to add {"$unwind": "$subject"}, stage right after the $match.

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  3. Your requirements are not really clear and difficult to guess with given sample. You can simplify the $match stage. If you run MongoDB 5.0 or never, you can use $setWindowFields

      { $match: { section: "A" } },
        $set: {
          failed: { $ifNull: [ { $first: "$subject.failed" }, "false" ] }
        $setWindowFields: {
          partitionBy: {
            sectionType: "$sectionType",
            failed: "$failed"
          output: {
            count_failed: { $sum: 1 }
        $setWindowFields: {
          partitionBy: "$sectionType",
          output: { count_total: { $sum: 1 } }
      { $match: { failed: "true" } },
        $group: {
          _id: {
            sectionType: "$sectionType",
            totalCount: "$count_failed",
            totalFailed: "$count_total"

    Mongo Playground

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