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Suppose I have an aggregate pipeline which returns the following set of documents:

  { "_id": 0, "refs": [1, 2] }, 
  { "_id": 1, "refs": [2, 3] }

How do I extend the aggregate pipeline to

  1. collect the set of distinct values in "refs" (i.e. [1, 2, 3]) and
  2. return the documents with _id matching the values in that set (i.e. 3 documents with _id 1, 2, and 3).



  1. One option is to add 4 steps to your aggregation:

    1. $group in order to collect all refs
    2. $reduce with $setUnion in order to get the distinct values.
    3. $lookup in order to get the docs from the refs
    4. Format
      {$group: {_id: 0, refs: {$push: "$refs"}}},
      {$project: {
          refs: {$reduce: {
              input: "$refs",
              initialValue: [],
              in: {$setUnion: ["$$value", "$$this"]}
      {$lookup: {
          from: "collection",
          localField: "refs",
          foreignField: "_id",
          as: "docs"
      {$unwind: "$docs"},
      {$replaceRoot: {"newRoot": "$docs"}}

    See how it works on the playground example

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  2. There are lots of ways to do this. Here’s another way.

      {"$unwind": "$refs"},
        "$group": {
          "_id": null,
          "refs": {"$addToSet": "$refs"}
        "$lookup": {
          "from": "collection",
          "localField": "refs",
          "foreignField": "_id",
          "as": "docs"
      {"$unwind": "$docs"},
      {"$replaceWith": "$docs"}

    Try it on

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