I have the following code to create a connection to my MongoDB database, and to store it for future use.
const mongodb = require('mongodb');
const MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient;
// The database will be defined once a connection to between the cluster and mongodb is created
let _database;
const uri = '';
const databaseName = 'db';
const mongoConnect = () => {
.then((client) => {
_database = client.db(databaseName);
.catch((err) => {
throw err;
const getDb = () => {
if (_database) {
return _database;
throw 'No database found!';
module.exports = {
My problem is that _database is undefined until the connection is made. If my website tries to use the database before _database is defined it will throw an error and crash.
I want to make it so instead of crashing, other portions of my code would just wait until _database is not undefined. Sounds like a await/async solution is needed, but I can’t wrap my head around how to approach implementing something like that here. Any advice would be great!
First approach: To make mongoConnect an async function and await on it before any of the remaining code is executed.
In the beginning of your code
Second approach: To make getDb function await till database connection is available
Sample code for you to run and check the second approach:
**Pretty Simple approach ** Just add await before MongoClient.connect function and make function async Now It will wait for the connection to have response then move forward.