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I have grouped all the users by country, but I would also like to have a row showing the grand total (users are tagged to a single country in our use case).

Data Model / Sample Input

The collection is filled with objects representing a country (name) and each contains a list of user objects in an array under users.

{ _id: ObjectId("..."),
  name: 'SG',
  type: 'COUNTRY',
  increment: 200,
   [ ObjectId("..."),



Current Results

{ _id: 'SG', count: 76 } 
{ _id: 'IN', count: 6 }  
{ _id: 'US', count: 4 }  
{ _id: 'FR', count: 3 }  
{ _id: 'UK', count: 2 } 
{ _id: 'RU', count: 1 } 
{ _id: 'CO', count: 1 } 
{ _id: 'DK', count: 1 } 
{ _id: 'ID', count: 1 } 
{ _id: 'PH', count: 1 }

Expected Results

{ _id: 'SG', count: 76 } 
{ _id: 'IN', count: 6 }  
{ _id: 'US', count: 4 }  
{ _id: 'FR', count: 3 }  
{ _id: 'UK', count: 2 } 
{ _id: 'RU', count: 1 } 
{ _id: 'CO', count: 1 } 
{ _id: 'DK', count: 1 } 
{ _id: 'ID', count: 1 } 
{ _id: 'PH', count: 1 }
{ _id: null, count: 96 } <<< TOTAL COUNT ADDED

Any tips to achieve this without resorting to complex or dirty tricks?



  1. I recommend just doing this in memory as the alternative is "hacky" but in order to achieve this in Mongo you just need to group all documents, add a new documents and unwind again, like so:

        $group: {
          _id: null,
          roots: {
            $push: "$$ROOT"
          sum: {
            $sum: "$count"
        $addFields: {
          roots: {
            "$concatArrays": [
                  _id: null,
                  count: "$sum"
        $unwind: "$roots"
        $replaceRoot: {
          newRoot: "$roots"

    Mongo Playground

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  2. You can also try using $facet to calculate counts by country name and total count, and then combine them together. Something like this:

        $match: {
          type: "COUNTRY"
        "$unwind": "$users"
        "$facet": {
          "groupCountByCountry": [
              "$sortByCount": "$name"
          "totalCount": [
              "$group": {
                "_id": null,
                "count": {
                  "$sum": 1
        "$project": {
          array: {
            "$concatArrays": [
        "$unwind": "$array"
        "$replaceRoot": {
          "newRoot": "$$ROOT.array"

    Here’s the playground link.

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