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I want to find products that are most popular sort by quantity of amount sold.

I have the following data:

  orders: [
      "_id": "63f37d1ac3dff5dd6d8cd156",
      "cartItems": [
          "qty": 1,
          "product": {
            "_id": "63515ad7d5f84ecbaac38f1e",
            "code": "1",
            "name": "Coca-Cola",
            "pricePerItem": 3,
            "group": "Milk",
          "price": 3,
          "total": 3,
      "createdAt": "2023-02-20T14:00:58.683Z",
      "_id": "63f37cd9c3dff5dd6d8cd14b",
      "cartItems": [
          "qty": 1,
          "product": {
            "_id": "63515aeed5f84ecbaac38f24",
            "code": "2",
            "name": "Fanta",
            "pricePerItem": 4,
            "group": "Drink",
          "price": 4,
          "total": 4,
          "qty": 2,
          "product": {
            "_id": "63515ad7d5f84ecbaac38f1e",
            "code": "1",
            "name": "Coca-Cola",
            "pricePerItem": 3,
            "group": "Milk",
          "price": 3,
          "total": 6,
      "createdAt": "2023-02-20T13:59:53.555Z",

The amount sold is on cartItem.qty
It should be able to be filtered by order.createdAt as Date Range

The expected result should show Coca-Cola first followed by Fanta

I have also created a Mongo playgound via this link:



  1. You should try something like this:

      "$unwind": "$cartItems"
      "$group": {
        _id: "$cartItems.product._id",
        "total": {
          $sum: "$cartItems.qty"
        "name": {
          "$first": "$"
      $project: {
        _id: 0
      "$sort": {
        total: -1

    I did not work with the date range filter because you did not give me dates in BSON Date Format. But you should get it work alone with my base code:

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  2. The most canonical way to achieve your desired ranking behaviour would be using $setWindowFields. You can define a popularity score and perform $rank on it.

        $match: {
          createdAt: {
            $gte: ISODate("2023-02-19"),
            $lt: ISODate("2023-02-24")
        $set: {
          popularity: {
            $sum: "$cartItems.qty"
        "$setWindowFields": {
          "partitionBy": null,
          "sortBy": {
            "popularity": -1
          "output": {
            "popularityRank": {
              $rank: {}
        $sort: {
          popularityRank: -1

    Mongo Playground

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