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Can you help me with a situation… I Have this Json but I would like to format the field trackingID like "TR000000012345BR". How can I pad a trackingId with letters and zeros on the left and letter on the rigth by aggregate?

    "_id": "63f7aad063710fe0106dbc04",
    "name": "Kristen Welch",
    "address": "267 Dooley Street, Westphalia, New York, 1648",
    "trackingID": 963,
    "greeting": "Hello, Kristen Welch! You have 9 unread messages.",
    "favoriteFruit": "apple"
    "_id": "63f7aad0c156afad133a66b6",
    "name": "Shaw Roach",
    "address": "254 Newkirk Placez, Hiseville, American Samoa, 7644",
    "trackingID": 729,
    "greeting": "Hello, Shaw Roach! You have 7 unread messages.",
    "favoriteFruit": "banana"

I would like this result below:

    "_id": "63f7aad063710fe0106dbc04",
    "name": "Kristen Welch",
    "address": "267 Dooley Street, Westphalia, New York, 1648",
    "trackingID": TR0000000963XP,
    "greeting": "Hello, Kristen Welch! You have 9 unread messages.",
    "favoriteFruit": "apple"
    "_id": "63f7aad0c156afad133a66b6",
    "name": "Shaw Roach",
    "address": "254 Newkirk Placez, Hiseville, American Samoa, 7644",
    "trackingID": TR0000000729XP,
    "greeting": "Hello, Shaw Roach! You have 7 unread messages.",
    "favoriteFruit": "banana"



  1. You can do the followings in an aggregation pipeline:

    1. pad with 9 zeros at the start of the string with $concat
    2. trim the extra leading zeros with $substrCP. Use $strLenCP and $subtract to calculate the offset.
    3. $concat with the prefix ‘TR’ and suffix ‘XP’
        "$set": {
          "trackingID": {
            // pad with 9 zeros
            "$concat": [
                $toString: "$trackingID"
        "$set": {
          "trackingID": {
            // trim the extras leading zeros
            "$substrCP": [
                "$subtract": [
                    "$strLenCP": "$trackingID"
        "$set": {
          "trackingID": {
            "$concat": [

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  2. db.collection.aggregate([
        $set: {
          "trackIngID": {
            $concat: [                                  //4. concatenate prefix and suffix
                "$substrCP": [                          //3. remove leading 1
                    $toLong: {                          //2. convert to long
                      $add: [10000000000,"$trackingID"] //1. add 10000000000, to pad it with zeros


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