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Lets say I have an array ['123', '456', '789']

I want to Aggregate and look through every document with the field books and only return the values that are NOT in any documents. For example if ‘123’ is in a document, and ‘456’ is, but ‘789’ is not, it would return an array with [‘789’] as it’s not included in any books fields in any document.

.aggregate( [
  $match: {
    books: {
        $in: ['123', '456', '789']

I don’t want the documents returned, but just the actual values that are not in any documents.



  1. Here’s one way to scan the entire collection to look for missing book values.

      {  // "explode" books array to docs with individual book values
        "$unwind": "$books"
      {  // scan entire collection creating set of book values
        "$group": {
          "_id": null,
          "allBooksSet": {
            "$addToSet": "$books"  // <-- generate set of book values
        "$project": {
          "_id": 0,  // don't need this anymore
          "missing": {  // use $setDifference to find missing values
            "$setDifference": [
              [ "123", "456", "789" ],  // <-- your values go here
              "$allBooksSet"  // <-- the entire collection's set of book values

    Example output:

        "missing": [ "789" ]

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  2. Based on @rickhg12hs’s answer, there is another variation replacing $unwind with $reduce, which considered less costly. Two out of Three steps are the same:

        $group: {
          _id: null,
          allBooks: {$push: "$books"}
        $project: {
          _id: 0,
          allBooksSet: {
            $reduce: {
              input: "$allBooks",
              initialValue: [],
              in: {$setUnion: ["$$value", "$$this"]}
        $project: {
          missing: {
            $setDifference: [["123","456", "789"], "$allBooksSet"]

    Try it on

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