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I have the following in an aggregation:

  { _id: 610b678502500b0646923801, feeling: 'dislike' },
  { _id: 610b678502500b0646923629, feeling: 'like' },
  { _id: 610b67a602500b064693a667, feeling: 'love' },
  { _id: 610b678d02500b06469290fd, feeling: 'like' },
  { _id: 610b678502500b06469238f3, feeling: 'love' },
  { _id: 610b678502500b06469237ed, feeling: 'love' },
  { _id: 610b678502500b064692389e, feeling: 'like' },
  { _id: 610b678502500b0646923bd8, feeling: 'love' },
  { _id: 610b678502500b06469237e0, feeling: 'love' },
  { _id: 610b678502500b0646923674, feeling: 'love' },
  { _id: 610b680b02500b0646981b3a, feeling: 'dislike' },
  { _id: 610b678702500b0646925096, feeling: 'love' },
  { _id: 610b678502500b0646923810, feeling: 'like' },
  { _id: 610b678d02500b06469292fb, feeling: 'dislike' },
  { _id: 610b678502500b06469238b4, feeling: 'like' }

I want to group by _id, and show the number of items for each feeling. The expected results would be:

    _id: 610b678502500b0646923801, 
    love: 2, 
    like: 4, 
    dislike: 6
    _id: 610b678502500b06469237ed, 
    love: 8, 
    like: 2, 
    dislike: 5



  1. Perhaps something like this:

      $unwind: "$feeling"
      $group: {
      _id: {
        i: "$_id",
        f: "$feeling"
      cnt: {
        $sum: 1
    $project: {
      _id: "$_id.i",
      a: [
          k: "$_id.f",
          v: "$cnt"
    $group: {
      _id: "$_id",
      s: {
        "$mergeObjects": {
          "$arrayToObject": "$a"
      $replaceRoot: {
        newRoot: {
          $mergeObjects: [
      $project: {
        s: 0


    1. At the unwind stage just unwinding to simulate duplicated _id

    — in your aggregation you need to continue from here —

    1. Group based on _id & feeling to have the count per feeling
    2. Project the counts to suitable for arrayToObject key/values
    3. Group with mergeObjects + arrayToObject to receive the count per feeling
    4. Replace the root with merged _id + counts
    5. Project to remove the temporary variable "s"


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  2. Query

    • group by id
    • because we know that we have only 3 possible groups, we create those groups and sum based on condition, if feeling match with the field name 1 else 0


       {"_id": "$id",
         {"$sum": {"$cond": [{"$eq": ["$feeling", "dislike"]}, 1, 0]}},
        "like": {"$sum": {"$cond": [{"$eq": ["$feeling", "like"]}, 1, 0]}},
        "love": {"$sum": {"$cond": [{"$eq": ["$feeling", "love"]}, 1, 0]}}}}])
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