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In my Node.js code, the server console returns the object gameFind with a populated value for hikeEnd (it’s a Date field), but the console result for gameFind.hikeEnd, called immediately after, is undefined. This makes my equation NaN. What am I doing wrong here?

        async function saveHike() {
            await Game.updateOne({},{ $set: { hikeEnd: } });
            var gameFind = await Game.find( { teamName: thisTeam } );
            console.log ('gameFind: ' + gameFind);
            console.log ('gameFind.hikeEnd: ' + gameFind.hikeEnd);
            //calculate the score
            var hikeScore = (gameFind.hikeEnd - gameFind.hikeStart) / 1000;
            console.log ('hikeScore: ' + hikeScore);


EDIT: console.log output

gameFind: {
  _id: new ObjectId("62df29b4ea65773e6827aa54"),
  teamName: 'a',
  captain: 's',
  score: 0,
  startTime: 2022-07-25T23:39:32.235Z,
  leavetakingsEnd: 2022-07-25T23:39:32.248Z,
  hikeStart: 2022-07-25T23:39:32.252Z,
  hikeVotes: 1,
  hikeEnd: 2022-07-25T23:39:53.835Z,
  townStart: 2022-07-25T23:39:53.838Z,
  townEnd: 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z,
  __v: 0
hikeEnd: undefined
hikeScore: NaN

Given Seth’s comments, I suppose this must be an async/await issue, but I cannot determine it. I have tried calling it with gameFind[hikeEnd] rather than a dot call but it still logs undefined. Is await Game.find being executed AFTER the console.logs because it’s in an await? This must be it, but I can’t remedy it. Thanks in advance, this has gotten quite frustrating.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    The ultimate solution was to change my Game.find to Game.findOne so it returns a document rather than a cursor.

  2. I made a version of your code that doesn’t execute from the database just to see if I could mirror your output. I cannot.

    Here is my code,

    var globalGameFind= {
      teamName: 'a',
      captain: 's',
      score: 0,
      startTime: new Date("2022-07-25T23:39:32.235Z"),
      leavetakingsEnd: new Date("2022-07-25T23:39:32.248Z"),
      hikeStart: new Date("2022-07-25T23:39:32.252Z"),
      hikeVotes: 1,
      hikeEnd: new Date("2022-07-25T23:39:53.835Z"),
      townStart: new Date("2022-07-25T23:39:53.838Z"),
      townEnd: new Date("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
      __v: 0
    function saveHike() {
      var gameFind = globalGameFind;
      console.log('gameFind: ' + gameFind);
      console.log('gameFind.hikeEnd: ' + gameFind.hikeEnd);
      //calculate the score
      var hikeScore = (gameFind.hikeEnd - gameFind.hikeStart) / 1000;
      console.log('hikeScore: ' + hikeScore);

    And here is my output


        "teamName": "a",
        "captain": "s",
        "score": 0,
        "startTime": "2022-07-25T23:39:32.235Z",
        "leavetakingsEnd": "2022-07-25T23:39:32.248Z",
        "hikeStart": "2022-07-25T23:39:32.252Z",
        "hikeVotes": 1,
        "hikeEnd": "2022-07-25T23:39:53.835Z",
        "townStart": "2022-07-25T23:39:53.838Z",
        "townEnd": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
        "__v": 0

    gameFind.hikeEnd: Mon Jul 25 2022 16:39:53 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

    hikeScore: 21.583

    What’s likely happening for you is gameFind.hikeEnd is undefined because gameFind doesn’t have a field called hikeEnd on it.

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