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What is the difference between the UpdateOne() and the findOneAndUpdate() methods in Mongo DB?
I can’t seem o understand their differences. Would appreciate it if a demonstrative example using UpdateOne() and findOneAndUpdate could be used.



  1. Insert a document in an otherwise empty collection using the mongo-shell to start:

    db.users.insertOne({name: "Jack", age: 11})


    db.users.updateOne({name: "Jack"}, {$set: {name: "Joe"}})

    This operation returns an UpdateResult.

    { acknowledged: true,
      insertedId: null,
      matchedCount: 1,
      modifiedCount: 1,
      upsertedCount: 0 }


    db.users.findOneAndUpdate({name: "Joe"}, {$set: {name: "Jill"}})

    This operation returns the document that was updated.

    { _id: ObjectId("62ecf94510fc668e92f3cecf"),
      name: 'Joe',
      age: 11 }

    FindOneAndUpdate is preferred when you have to update a document and fetch it at the same time.

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  2. If you need to return the New Document instead of the original document, you can use one of these ways:

      {name: "Joe"},
      {$set: {name: "Jill"}},
      {returnDocument: "after"}

    returnDocument: "before" –> returns the original document (default).
    returnDocument: "after" –> returns the updated document.


      {name: "Joe"},
      {$set: {name: "Jill"}},
      {returnNewDocument: true}

    returnNewDocument: false –> returns the original document (default).
    returnNewDocument: true –> returns the updated document.

    Note: If both options are set (returnDocument and returnNewDocument), returnDocument takes precedence.

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