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How can I filter if all num of qty greater then 50 then this is return otherwise not:

this is examples documents;

  _id: ObjectId("5234cc89687ea597eabee675"),
  code: "xyz",
  tags: [ "school", "book", "bag", "headphone", "appliance" ],
  qty: [
      { size: "S", num: 10, color: "blue" },
      { size: "M", num: 45, color: "blue" },
      { size: "L", num: 100, color: "green" }

  _id: ObjectId("5234cc8a687ea597eabee676"),
  code: "abc",
  tags: [ "appliance", "school", "book" ],
  qty: [
      { size: "6", num: 100, color: "green" },
      { size: "6", num: 70, color: "blue" },
      { size: "8", num: 100, color: "brown" }

  _id: ObjectId("5234ccb7687ea597eabee677"),
  code: "efg",
  tags: [ "school", "book" ],
  qty: [
      { size: "S", num: 10, color: "blue" },
      { size: "M", num: 100, color: "blue" },
      { size: "L", num: 100, color: "green" }

Is it possiblt with mongodb query? how?

I have tried many ways but didnt work. please help

I expected:

   _id: ObjectId("5234cc8a687ea597eabee676"),
  code: "abc",
  tags: [ "appliance", "school", "book"],
  qty: [
      { size: "6", num: 100, color: "green" },
      { size: "6", num: 70, color: "blue" },
      { size: "8", num: 100, color: "brown" }

  _id: ObjectId("52350353b2eff1353b349de9"),
  code: "ijk",
   tags: [ "electronics", "school" ],
 qty: [
      { size: "M", num: 100, color: "green" }



  1. If I understood your request correctly you would like to filter on the qty.num field right? If so, use this aggregation pipeline:

    var options = {
        allowDiskUse: false
    var pipeline = [
            "$unwind": {
                "path": "$qty"
            "$match": {
                "qty.num": {
                    "$gte": 50.0
            "$group": {
                "_id": "$_id",
                "code": {
                    "$first": "$code"
                "tags": {
                    "$first": "$tags"
                "qty": {
                    "$push": "$qty"
    var cursor = collection.aggregate(pipeline, options);

    I hope this helps. It works for me.

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  2. It is confusing as the record with _id: ObjectId("52350353b2eff1353b349de9") does not appear in your sample dataset. Nevertheless, from your description, you may be looking for $allElementsTrue. You can use $map to apply your > 50 criteria to the qty array and feed the result to $allElementsTrue.

      $expr: {
        $allElementsTrue: {
          $map: {
            input: "$qty",
            as: "q",
            in: {
              $gt: [

    Mongo Playground

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